NT Police are still searching for six people missing after heavy rain, as three tourists who had their car swept away in floodwaters are found safe.
Russian authorities have found a flight recorder in the wreckage of a military plane that crashed into the Black Sea on Sunday, killing all 92 on board, Russian...
Preparations for one of Australia’s largest and longest-running Muslim conventions, Jalsa Salana, are well underway in anticipation for what event organisers hope...
Relatives of Faysal Ahmed, a Sudanese refugee who died in Brisbane after falling ill on Manus Island, want his body returned by the Australian government.
At least six people are dead and 18 others missing after Typhoon Nock-Ten lashed the Philippines over the Christmas holidays, the government said Tuesday as it...
Forced to retire from the Sydney to Hobart for the past two years, Perpetual LOYAL is on track to set a race record after the retirement of Wild Oats XI.
The blasphemy trial of the Indonesian capital's minority Christian governor will proceed, a judge has ruled.

More news

More news and analysis from Australia and the world.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has landed in Hawaii, ahead of a visit to Pearl Harbor, the US naval base attacked by the Japanese in 1941.
A forklift licence is offering new freedoms to a young Sri Lankan woman with Down syndrome.
Almost 30 Turkish police will go on trial in Istanbul on Tuesday charged with involvement in the July 15 coup bid, the city's first trial of alleged putschists.
Superstar singer George Michael's partner remembers finding him 'dead peacefully in bed' as tributes flow from around the world.
A massive trove of documents uncovered by SBS News under freedom of information law reveals the subjects considered most important by the federal government ahead...
Vera Rubin, a pioneering US astronomer who helped find powerful evidence of dark matter, has died. She was 88.
Police officers will be out in force again as the Boxing Day Test continues after an alleged bombing plot was foiled last week.

In focus: Migration

Highlights from SBS' coverage of migration-related issues.

For those interested in a life in Australia, there's more than one way to migrate here, but not all of them are permanent.
A new proposal to throw open Australia’s doors to permanent Pacific Islander migrants would be worth more than 40 times the value of current aid commitments and...
The family of Bhajan Kaur have made a heartfelt appeal to stop her deportation, as her mother and brother explain to SBS Punjabi the possible consequences of such...
Here's what you need to know about Australia's 457 temporary skilled worker program.
A Bangladeshi doctor and her two children are facing deportation after her daughter's developmental delay lead to the rejection of their application to stay in...
The Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia says a call from the Productivity Commission to reevaluate visas for the parents of immigrants is ...
Disabled support workers claim Canberra’s disabled community will suffer because the Immigration Department is not reversing its denial of their visas.

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

Movie stars, musical masters, and the "greatest" of all time - 2016 saw the deaths of many of the world's most beloved celebrities.
Proposed amendments to the South Australian Food Standard Code could see an array of game meat previously excluded from the legal consumption list find its way...
Since August, Wagga Wagga in NSW's Riverina region has become home to more than a dozen Yazidi families, who fled IS massacres in northern Iraq. Now, they’re...
An Australian couple is hoping to bring basic education to remote parts of India, in a bid to reduce the rates of mother and newborn mortality.
In its 72-year history, no Indigenous crew has sailed the Sydney to Hobart race, the Tribal Warrior crew were hoping to change that but missed their deadline.

2016: What a year in politics

To say it was a rocky year in global politics would be an understatement, but the past 12 months in domestic politics have also been a wild ride.
From football fairy tales and golfing glory to tennis-court dreams and the passing of a sporting great, 2016 has been a year full of highs and lows.

In focus: Australia's First People


How to make a healing garden

Your garden can deliver a lot more than just outdoor decoration. SBS Life spoke to Charles Solomon, Indigenous plant consultant and founder of Garawana Creative, to find out how we can bring some Abor...
The shocking truth about non-Indigenous Australia is that many people mistakenly assume that Indigenous Australians coast through life, receiving privileges and benefits. Bronwyn Carlson busts this my...
With more and more people relishing in the flora that has nourished Indigenous Australians for more than 50,000 years, John Newtown asks who "owns" our native plants.
A Sydney-based yoga organisation is fusing Indian and Indigenous yoga traditions, incorporating the spirit of Aboriginal Australia into the ancient practice.
More than 30 per cent of Australia has been returned to Indigenous control, but none of that land is in urban areas.
The year 2016 gave political cartoonists more material than you could poke a pencil at. Eighty of the best cartoons went on display in the Behind the Lines exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy in Canberra.
Donald Trump supporters were jubilant while Hillary Clinton supporters were shocked and silent - it is the tale of two camps as the US starts to come to terms with Trump's shock victory.
More than 50,000 Iraqi soldiers, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Sunni Arab tribesmen and Shia militiamen are engaged in a bloody battle to re-take control of Mosul from IS.

Finetta's life at home

A 6.2-magnitude hit central Italy on Wednesday, leaving more than 150 dead and reducing towns across the region to rubble.
Louisiana has faced epic flooding, with at least seven people killed and thousands evacuated to emergency shelters after waterways in the southern part of the state overflowed their banks.

Who's Who in the Hip Op Crew?

Meet Mi$$y Ro Yo, Kara Bang Bang, Big Deal and the rest of the world's oldest hip-hop crew.

On Location in Sicily

Aela Callan and the Dateline crew captured not only the story of the anti-mafia fight in Sicily, but also the sights and sounds of this Mediterranean island.
Dozens of protesters both for and against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have faced off at the opening of the Republican National Convention in the state of Ohio.

Bastille Day attack

At least 60 people are dead and 100 injured in the French city of Nice after a truck ploughed into a crowd in what officials and witnesses say was a deliberate attack.