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The Poetics of Resistance Roadshow!

By kate | September 6, 2010

Okay, not really … BUT, Jeff Conant, author of A Poetics of Resistance: The Revolutionary Public Relations of the Zapatista Insurgency, takes to the road this month with a fantastic East Coast tour. If you’re in any of the cities Jeff will be visiting over the next three weeks (including, but not limited to, Burlington, Montpelier, Boston, Washington DC, Baltimore, New York, Asheville, and Chapel Hill), check out one of his events, you won’t be sorry!

PoeticsA Poetics of Resistance examines the means, meanings, and mythos behind the Zapatista image using a blend of narrative history, literary criticism, ethnography, and media analysis. The first “postmodern revolution” presented itself to the world through a complex web of propaganda in every available medium: the colorful communiqués of Subcomandante Marcos, the ski masks, uniforms, dolls, murals, songs, and weapons both symbolic and real. By proliferating a profound and resonant set of myths, symbols, and grand historical gestures calculated to reflect their ideologies, organizing methodologies, and cultural values, the Zapatistas helped set into motion a global uprising, and the awareness that behind this uprising is a renewed vision of history. Jeff Conant’s engaging and innovative examination of the Zapatistas’ communication strategies will be an important tool for movements everywhere engaged in creating a world where many worlds fit; in demolishing History in order to construct histories; and in unseating not only the powerful, but Power itself.

Check out the tour schedule:

September 7th, 4:45 PM, Jeff Conant speaks at Cornell University!

Jeff Conant discusses A Poetics of Resistance at the office of the
Committee on US-Latin American Relations at Cornell University!

September 9, 6:30 PM: Jeff Conant on CCTV in Burlington, Vermont!

Jeff Conant discusses his new book, The Poetics of Resistance, on the
Center for Media & Democracy’s CCTV with Global Justice Ecology
Project and Upside Down World. for more info.

September 10, TBA: Jeff Conant at the Global Justice Ecology Project’s
annual celebration

Jeff Conant discusses A Poetics of Resistance in Hinesburg, Vermont!

September 11, 7PM: Jeff Conant at Black Sheep Books!

Jeff Conant discusses A Poetics of Resistance at Montpelier’s favorite
collectively run bookstore! for more info.

September 13, 7PM: Jeff Conant at Bluestockings Books!

The Poetics of Resistance Road Show hits New York City with a book
release event at Bluestockings Books on NYC’s Lower-East
Side. for more info.

September 15, 6PM: Jeff Conant reads at the Bowery Poetry Club

Jeff Conant underscores the cultural importance of the Zapatistas with
a reading at NYC’s Bowery Poetry Club. for
more info.

September 20, 7PM: Jeff Conant at Firestorm Books in Asheville! 2

Jeff Conant does a double-header at Asheville’s swingin’ worker-owned
bookstore & cafe, Firestorm. September 20: A Poetics of Resistance;
September 21: A Guide to Community Environmental
. for more info.

September 23, 7PM: Jeff Conant at Internationalist Books

Jeff Conant presents A Poetics of Resistance at Internationalist Books
in Chapel Hill! for more info.

September 26, 1PM: Jeff Conant, Marina Sitrin, and Ben Dangl on
Lessons from Latin America at the Radical Bookfair Pavilion in

Three AK gringos discuss the lessons to be learned from the Latin
American political and cultural spectrum. What could be better?! for more info!

September 28, noon: Jeff Conant at Johns Hopkins University

A talk at JHU sponsored by the Program in Latin American
Studies. Location TBA.

September 28, 6PM: Jeff Conant at Busboys & Poets Books in DC!

Jeff Conant discusses A Poetics of Resistance in conversation with the
Institute for Policy Studies. Co-sponsored by Teaching for Change
Books! for more info.

September 29, 7PM: Jeff Conant at Food for Thought Books in Amherst!

The Poetics of Resistance tour hits Amherst for a evening discussion
at Food for Thought books. for more info.

September 30, 7PM: Jeff Conant in discussion with Doyle Canning at

Jeff Conant visits Boston for an event at the SmartMeme Design
Studio. for more info.

October 6, 7PM: Jeff Conant at Pegasus Books

Back on the West Coast! Jeff Conant reads at Berkeley’s Pegasus
Books. for more info.

I am exhausted just looking at Jeff’s tour schedule! Luckily I’ll get to host Jeff for a few days in Baltimore right in the middle of the tour, so we’ll make sure he has a comfy place to stay so he can catch up on his sleep!

Lots of other AK author tours coming up this fall, so stay tuned for more info!

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