Garment workers protest - Ashulia, Dec 2016

Following a period of relative quiet after the 2013 Rana Plaza factory disaster, new struggles emerge from the garment factories.

Hidden from the media narrative of Russian cyber sabotage is the content of the DNC leaks, and how the leaks revealed the arrogance and corruption of the Democratic Party elite.

The catastrophic election results have left Democratic Party hacks lashing out at, well, pretty much everyone for failing to support their miserable candidate.

Cat using a smartphone

An overview of visits to over the past year.


Abe Bluestein's post- New Deal pamphlet encouraging self organisation and mass d

An excerpt from Andrew Cornell's excellent Unruly Equality: US Anarchism in the 20th Century.


Ovambo miners towards the end of the strike

In the winter of 1971-72 the economy of South West Africa (Namibia) was shutdown by a general strike of contract labourers challenged the economic system emplaced by Apartheid South Africa. The...