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Check this out: The AK Press Deal of a Lifetime!

By kate | September 27, 2011

For a limited time only: Buy a LIFETIME FRIENDS OF AK PRESS Membership!

Times are tough. As a small independent publisher, as folks who work long hours for short wages, just like most of our readers, we know how hard it is to stay afloat in these days of crackdowns and cutbacks. But as anarchist activists and radical propagandists, we also know that our work is more critical than ever. In a world filled with uncertainty, strong voices reminding us where we’ve been and how far we still have to go are the guideposts we need to weather the storms ahead, and AK Press remains dedicated to the task of supporting and amplifying these voices – just as we’ve done for the past twenty-one years.

Our publishing program has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years. Since January 2010, we’ve published over thirty titles, many of them new, and never-before published works of history and political non-fiction. We started a fiction series. We brought you not just one, but two books exploring the history and current situation in Greece. Together we explored questions of race, gender, class, labor, indigenism, urbanism, the past, the future, and beyond. Ten more titles are in the pipeline for the end of this year, and another twenty are lined up already for 2012. This fall, we’ll make AK Press ebooks available on our own website for the first time.

We need your help to keep up this frenetic pace – we’ve got no shortage of ideas and energy, but we need to raise funds to help support our efforts. For the first time in a decade, we’ve decided to reopen the Lifetime Friends of AK Press program, and make available 50 coveted Lifetime Friends memberships. For $2,500, you get a copy of EVERY book AK Press publishes for the rest of your life, or ours. That’s an average of twenty books a year for the rest of your life. Read them, donate them, give them to friends, mail them to prisoners – the possibilities are endless.

Trying to reduce your material possessions? Consider purchasing a Lifetime Friends of AK Press membership and donating it to your local library or infoshop. Institutional memberships are available for the same price, but expire after 25 years. Contact your favorite library to inquire if they will accept a membership as a tax-deductible donation!

We’ll even make it easier on you by making it possible to pay for your Lifetime membership in two installments – one billed to your credit card when you sign up, and the other half billed to your card on January 1, 2012.

Don’t forget – there’s only 50 memberships available, and they WILL go quickly! Email us at today to reserve your slot, or order on our website:

Want to support AK Press in a less financially-intensive way? Sign up for a regular Friends membership – $25/month gets you a copy of every book we publish for the duration of your membership, as well as a 20% discount on anything you buy from our website, and memberships are unlimited.

Want to help us get the word out about AK Press? Contact us for posters, stickers, catalogues, and postcards to distribute in your town:

Starting up a distro? Planning to table at shows, conferences, and other events in your area? Let us know, and we’ll work with you to make books available for your tabling endeavours at a steep discount, and supply you with AK-logo swag to give away for free! Support AK Press and raise funds for your own projects:

Disclaimer: As the publishing industry continues to shift and grow with the advent and increasing accessibility of new technologies, so does AK Press. It’s our goal to continue publishing 100% real, physically-extant, printed books as long as the technology exists. However, should the day come when the preferred mode of book publishing involves downloading files directly to your brain, the format of the Friends of AK Press program is subject to change accordingly!

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