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Everything You Need to Know About Hiring a Celebrant

If you are in need of the services and expertise of a celebrant, you might find the following information helpful.

Qualifications and training for a celebrant

There are three kinds of authorised celebrants: commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants, state officials who conduct civil ceremonies, and ministers of a recognised religious denomination.

Celebrants are required to undergo training and satisfy certain qualifications before they can legally conduct ceremonies.

For instance, to become a commonwealth-registered marriage celebrant, a person must complete a Certificate IV in Celebrancy qualification and undertake on-the-job or formal training. They must also be knowledgeable about the laws relating to the solemnisation of marriages. In addition, a marriage celebrant must be deemed as a fit and proper person by the Registrar of Marriage Celebrants.

Choosing a top celebrant

When choosing a celebrant, find out if they are a member of an association or network. An association membership indicates that the celebrant is up to date with current celebrancy knowledge and practice. Not only that, this also ensures that you will have a replacement in case the celebrant you chose cannot fulfil his commitment due to ill health or an emergency.

Obviously, you will want a celebrant who has a good reputation. However, you will also want someone who has a nice personality and whose presence you feel comfortable in. A good celebrant listens to your concerns and gives advice in designing and delivering the ceremony.

Look for a celebrant who has access to essential equipment such as a reliable car, a PA system, and a computer.

To save time in interviewing celebrants, look up local professionals on Oneflare to check qualifications and customer reviews. Once you have shortlisted three candidates that you like, meet with them separately to find out if they can deliver the kind of service you require.

How much does a celebrant charge?

There are no fixed rates for performing marriages, so fees will vary among celebrants. If the price seems remarkably low, be wary. On the other hand, if the price is excessively high, ask for a detailed quote of what is included.

You may want to get a local celebrant, as this means less travel costs and the celebrant is more familiar with the venues in your area.


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  • Adrian just made everything a lot easier. He was well organised, very professional as well as quite efficient. He assisted us every step of the way and provided the much needed advice and also information which help us to customise our wedding to suit who we are as a couple. He..

    Left for Adrian Downey
  • Gail was very prompt and excited you can tell she is passionate about her work and that's what we are looking for on our special day.

    Left for Gail Evans Marriage Celebrant

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