Lake Eyre to West Papua – Land and Sea Convoy for Peace and Justice – July/August 2013

This site has hitherto confined itself to reporting events that have taken place; exceptionally, therefore, this is advance notice of an event in preparation:

Land and Sea Convoy for Peace and Justice
Looking at the ancient ways to find the new beginnings…

…Once upon a time the land was joined, Australia the big mother split from her children the islands of Melanesia. Just below the surface of the sea that now divides us are the hidden treasures of forgotten stories and cultural knowledge as we sift through the sands of time, reconnecting ancient culture, finding the story lines that reveal a deep connection with the land and people,
Water is life, follow the dreaming story of the water from the Lake Eyre basin to our brothers’ and sisters’ land in West Papua.
We have a duty of care, the People of West Papua are suffering.

“…We have a responsibility to care for our brothers and sisters from across the water, we must bring the water and the fire, the love and the music to heal the country as we move in solidarity. We were one people, we still are one people, we must hold our cultural connection, the old land is calling us…”
(Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna Elder)

Calling on all our friends and families of all nations to join us at the shores of Lake Eyre for a music festival to celebrate the survival of the old country and to stand strong to make an action of creative resistance against the apartheid of colonization and destruction caused by multinational mining companies on this land.
From the shores of the Lake, we will follow the underground water across “Australia” in a freedom-ride convoy of artists, musicians, activist, Original Sovereigns and Indigenous ambassadors from Australia and West Papua that carry the ancient water collected from the sacred mount springs of Arabunna country, the fire from the old Lake Eyre and ashes from Aboriginal tent embassies across Australia. These offerings of peace and justice will be taken on a flotilla as a symbol to support the freedom and justice for West Papuan people.
Looking at the ancient ways to find the new beginnings..

By foot or by car, by bus or canoe, by ship or by song, by dance or by spirit you are invited to join us…

Philosophy: Recognise the rights of indigenous people and their connection to land and water.
Recognise (ab)Original Sovereignty and West Papua Independence

Human rights and Environmental justice is a struggle that belongs to all humanity.
That’s us! With that knowledge we must proceed with strength dedication and fine music xx

How you can get involved:
Donate a BOAT!!
Host an event in your town or port along the way!
Donate time energy and/or money xx
Spread the word
Write a song and sing it loud

Donate to
Lizards Revenge
Bsb: 633 000
Acc: 145823688
Please label your donation ‘Land and Sea’ Please contact us if you would like a receipt for your donation

This is just the beginning so spread the word, keep your eyes peeled and be ready to strike!

Feel free to join us anywhere along the way
This is a rough itinerary – open to suggestion and subject to change so stay in touch.

Lake Eyre 20th-25th July

20th Set up camp
21st Welcome Ceremony/party Alberrie Creek Station
22nd Mound Spring and Lake Eyre tour
23rd Day of Action against the nuclear cycle (BYO action plans)
24th Farewell Ceremony/concert

25th Pack and Drive- camp near Coober Pedy
26th Camp near Marla or go straight to Alice

Alice Springs 27th-30th July
27th Alice Springs- Concert/movie/info night
30th Alice Springs -get supplies

31st Tennant Creek
Any suggestions for western QLD?

Drive to Cairns and get boats ready
10th August Film info night
12th to 15th August Flotilla launch

There are also more fundraising campaigns planned – benefit gigs in Sydney, Melbourne and possibly Darwin as well as internet crowd funding so keep an eye out.

Other Event Ideas- dates to be announced
1.Canberra Tent Embassy .. ashes
2. Aboriginal passport issuing and West Papua visa stamps – Melbourne Aboriginal Embassy- May
3.Lake Eyre ceremony and concert-associated actions- 20th July
4.Concerts and/or film nights in host towns on land route, collecting ashes and water
5.Launching of the boats raising of WP, Aboriginal and Torres Straight Flags- Cairns, August
4.Concerts and/or film nights in host towns on sea route
5.West Papua concert for peace and culture

The background to this story started many years ago when Uncle Kevin met elders from West Papua at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra; it was there that a connection was formed on both a cultural level and in the common struggle for land rights. Uncle Kev wants to let the Papuan People know that we recognise their sovereign right and that the indigenous struggles of both lands are interconnected. He came up with the idea for a cultural journey from his country to West Papua to draw attention to this struggle.
The campaign is not only addressing indigenous rights, it has a big environmental focus, beginning with Olympic Dams nuke and water issues then to Freeport mine in West Papua with land and water contamination. The mound springs around the lake Eyre region are sacred sites for the Arabunna people, the Artesian Basin that feeds the mound springs. The mound springs have been affected by the mining operations at Olympic Dam. There is a cultural connection via these ancient lands and waters that brought these stories together.
We are hoping to bring the vision into fruition mid this year, there has been a lot of interest in the event so far and a lot still to organise. Please share the idea with your networks.
Much love peace and fine adventures… c u out there

The poster reproduced above is for one of the fundraising events organised in Melbourne. Others are planned for May 16th and June 1st*:

*Details TBA: see See also