Liam Hogan


Librarian & Historian. Researching Slavery - Memory - Power. Support my work .

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  1. pred 1 hodinou

    Banging my head against the wall about this for three years. I can’t go on, I’ll go on.

  2. pred 4 hodinami

    Hannah Arendt: "Race is, politically speaking, not the beginning of humanity but its end, not the origin of peoples but their decay, not the natural birth of man but his unnatural death."

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  3. pred 4 hodinami

    If you compare this to the quotes I've transcribed above, you'll see that it tracks exactly to 1930s American and European Nazism. This is not "guilt by association" it's guilt by replication, by ideological inspiration and alignment.

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  4. pred 4 hodinami

    Generation Identity: "Our focus is directed towards this ideological inclination for is also important to rebuild a self-confident relationship with our own ethno-cultural identity and to emphasize our ‘own’ without falling into xenophobic reflexes."

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  5. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 4 hodinami

    If you object to “ad hominems” and “guilt by association” on here, you might pause and consider what kind of work this utterly routinized language does to shape perceptions of marginalized human beings, and what the stakes are for them, offline.

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  6. pred 13 hodinami

    The real tell is that the former Imperial subjects who migrated to Britain from their majority non-white colonies during this time do not receive this "special" dispensation.

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  7. pred 13 hodinami

    They rationalise this by claiming that Ireland is a "special case" as the whole island was part of the UK from 1801 to 1921. The problem with this slight of hand is that the amount of Irish born people in England and Wales from 1951-2011 exceeded that from 1851-1901.

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  8. pred 13 hodinami

    Anti-immigration groups like MigrationWatch UK exclude Irish migration from their "foreign born" category as it’s a “special case”. They do this to heighten the drama in their ethno-nationalist doomsday scenario as the inclusion of Irish-born lessens the relative increase.

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  9. Retweetol používateľ
    26. 3.

    Finally, a point that has struck me since I joined, and that bears on the public use of academic Twitter. Here, unlike in many of our traditional institutions, the precariously employed, adjuncts, grad students, as well as historians outside academia are *far* more visible.

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  10. 27. 3.

    Is it just me or has the twitter app been running really slow the last month or so? Noticeable lag when loading notifications and also replies/threads in my timeline.

  11. 27. 3.

    Chancellor Sebastian Kurz: “any connection between the Christchurch attacker and members of the Identitarians in Austria needs to be comprehensively and ruthlessly investigated.”

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  12. Retweetol používateľ
    26. 3.

    2009-2019: seeing things I used to have to look up in the "restricted material" bit of the British Library go global.

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  13. 24. 3.

    For genuine queries I'd recommend "The Sack of Baltimore" by Henry Barnby, Cork Historical and Archaelogical Society, No. 74, 1969. It's the most comprehensive study of that event that I've read.

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  14. 24. 3.

    It's quite telling that so many invoke the Sack of Baltimore of 1631 (where c. 100 mainly English settlers were kidnapped by corsairs) with four centuries of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (which directly affected a minimum of 12.5 million Africans)

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  15. 24. 3.

    “And the Irish people were slaves, just like the blacks.” The violent far-right Proud Boys group that this individual is a member of was founded by Gavin McInnes.

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  16. 24. 3.

    Goad: “Black slavery in America was pretty bad, kids, but it wasn't anything special. Throughout history, every color of the rainbow has owned slaves and been enslaved.”

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  17. 24. 3.

    Hoffman’s book includes sections entitled “White Losses in the Middle Passage higher than Blacks" and "White Slaves treated Worse than Blacks”

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  18. 24. 3.

    McInnes was the editor of VICE when it published Jim Goad’s white nationalist propaganda about American slavery. Goad used the work of a Holocaust denier, Michael Hoffman II, as his main source.

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  19. 24. 3.

    Taylor's survey of American Renaissance readership in 1997 resulted in Adolf Hitler topping the "Foreigners who have advanced White interests" poll. McInnes:

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  20. 24. 3.

    McInnes has previously hosted Jared Taylor on his show. Taylor is the editor of the white supremacist American Renaissance website and mentor to the “alt-right" Nazi marketeer Richard Spencer. Both have received financial support from the infamous Pioneer Fund.

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