Selected books from Factory School


Fifth Estate # 374, Winter 2007

Vision Quest Guidebook

“The New Freedom”: Corporate Capitalism by Fredy Perlman

The Big Melt, President of the United Hearts

We Know You Are Watching by Surveillance Camera Players

The Modern School of Stelton: A Sketch by Joseph J. Cohen and Alexis C. Ferm

Facing Reality, Correspondence Publishing Committee

Freedom in Education by Elizabeth Ferm

Mediated by Carol Mirakove

Obedience by Kari Edwards

Mike Gold at Harvard by Mike Gold

The Ghetto and Other Poems by Lola Ridge

The Wedding and Other Stories by Cara Hoffman

The University is a Provocation by Fredy Perlman/Black & Red

Sing a Battle Song: Poems by Women in the Weather Underground Organization

Bush League Spectacles: Empire, Politics, and Culture in Bushwhacked America by Fran Shor

Momentos, Comepndio Poetic by Federico Arcos

