Chinese manufacturing continues to expand

Workers assemble sneaker at a factory in southeast China. Easier credit and a softer yuan have boosted manufacturing ...
Workers assemble sneaker at a factory in southeast China. Easier credit and a softer yuan have boosted manufacturing across the country. AP

China's giant manufacturing sector is enjoying its best conditions in two years, helped by a surge in lending and a weaker currency, even as early signs of credit tightening begin to emerge.

According to data released on Thursday, the country's official Purchasing Managers' Index increased by 0.5 points to 51.7 points in November, its fourth monthly increase in succession.

The reading was better than analysts had expected and the result was aided by a depreciation of the yuan, which is trading around an 8-year low against the US dollar.

The manufacturing sector has over the last year also been boosted by a surge in credit, which has fuelled demand for construction materials and cars.

However, as warnings about China's credit bubble grow louder, there are early signs that Beijing is beginning to raise market interest rates to dampen lending.

The seven day Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate (SHIBOR) hit a 15-month high on Thursday, while the three-month rate has moved higher for the last 31 days.

Julian Evans-Pritchard from Capital Economics said on Thursday there had been a "small but perceptible increase" in market interest rates over recent weeks.

"[That] might be a sign of tightening by the People's Bank, perhaps signalling a more concerted intention to limit credit now that economic growth appears strong," he said in a note to clients.

Further hints on Beijing's attitude towards credit may be revealed at the conclusion of the annual Economic Work Conference, scheduled for this month.

This will, however, be very much a case of reading the tea leaves, as Mr Evans-Pritchard notes monetary policy has been "prudent" since 2011 and fiscal policy "proactive" for 12 of the last 17 years.

Beijing's more accommodative fiscal policy over the last year has also aided the PMI rebound, but big corporate firms are enjoying most of these gains.

While the large enterprise PMI rose by 0.9 points to 53.4 points in November, the small enterprise index declined by the same amount, to 47.4 points.

A reading below 50 points indicates the sector is contracting.

New exports orders, which have been weak for much of the year, climbed back above the 50 point barrier in November, helped by the weaker currency.

Amid strength in the US dollar, fuelled by the election of Donald Trump and his plans for infrastructure spending across America, Beijing has allowed the yuan to weaken in recent months.

While this has helped the export sector it has also rekindled fears of capital flight and forced the central bank to tighten regulations on money leaving China.

The latest sign of this was Thursday's introduction of a 10 per cent super luxury car tax for vehicles worth more than 1.3 million yuan ($260,000). While billed as a measure to rein in conspicuous consumption and lower emissions, others see the move as a further effort to reduce capital outflows.

Gold shipments are also coming under pressure, with the Financial Times reporting import quotas have been tightened.

The most obvious sign of China's efforts to slow capital outflows emerged earlier this week when Beijing said it would place greater scrutiny on foreign acquisitions.

Regulators will focus their oversight on foreign acquisitions outside the core business of a company and "fake deals", where the pretence of an offshore transaction is used as a reason to take money out of the China.