China dismisses steel demand fears with firm 2017 forecast

China's chief government forecaster has said a predicted decline in steel demand would not happen in 2017.
China's chief government forecaster has said a predicted decline in steel demand would not happen in 2017. Bloomberg

Australian iron ore miners can expect another year of strong prices, after China's chief government forecaster said a predicted decline in steel demand would not happen in 2017.

The China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute said on Monday that the country's steel demand would fall by just 0.9 per cent to 658 million tonnes in 2017. Slightly lower exports will see overall steel production fall by 2.2 per cent next year to 788 million tonnes, it said.

While the forecasts for next year give credence to a widely-held view that China's steel production peaked in 2014, the big declines pencilled in by analysts for this year and 2017 are yet to materialise.

"China's economic growth... will remain relatively fast with stable growth in 2017," the report authors wrote.

An unexpected round of credit stimulus, which began at the end of 2015, has fuelled demand for steel this year as the government pushed money into infrastructure to keep economic growth around 6.5 per cent.

According to the report, a drop off in steel use by the property sector next year would be offset by strong railway, port and highway construction. China's crude steel production is expected to rise by 0.3 per cent this year to 803 million tonnes, according to Beijing's chief forecaster, compared to private sector predictions that production would fall by more than 6 per cent just 12 months ago.

China's steel production hit 822.7 million tonnes in 2014, which Beijing's believes will be peak production. BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto had previously asserted China's steel production would peak above 1 billion tonnes in the years after 2020, but have both since backed away from the forecast.

The continued strength of China's steel output is partially making up for falling Australian government revenue in other areas, but will not be enough to narrow the predicted budget deficit this year. China accounts for half the world's steel production and the forecasts for steady demand in 2017, also bodes well for coking coal producers.

Prices for coking coal have surged in line with the iron ore price, but have also been helped by China shutting down outdated and inefficient mines. The report is forecasting coke production to decline marginally in 2017, mirroring the slight drop off in steel production.

The government forecaster said China's iron ore demand would fall by 3.2 per cent to 1.057 billion tonnes next year. The iron ore price has nearly doubled this year to around $US80 a tonnes. In addition to the unexpectedly strong price China is also relying more heavily on imported rather than domestic iron ore. Australia accounted for 65 per cent of China's iron ore imports in 2015.

Over the first 11 months of this year iron ore import volumes were 9 per cent stronger than a year earlier and are set to surge through 1 billion tonnes in 2016 for the first time. The demand for imported coal over the first 11 months of the year rose by 23 per cent to 229 million tonnes.