Recent Articles

January 02, 2017
Kenneth Surin
Virginia Politicians and the Slow Strangulation of Its Famous State University
Paul Cantor
Let’s Make a Deal: Donald Trump and the Monty Hall Problem
M. G. Piety
The Land of Smiling Children
David Swanson
ACLU & CAIR Use Gold Star Father to Claim War on Iraq Was for Bill of Rights
Patrick Cockburn
ISIS Will Lose the Battle of Mosul, But Not Much Will Remain
Mouin Rabbani
Kerry’s Eureka Moment on Israel and Palestine
Kathy Kelly
Eternal Hostility: a New Year’s Resolution
John Davis
Being Local
Martin Billheimer
Red Carnival in a Lonely Place: Clancy Sigal’s “Black Sunset”
Dan Bacher
“Green” Governor Jerry Brown Appoints Oil Industry Loyalist to Public Utilities Commission
Binoy Kampmark
False Unities: Brexit in the New Year
Thomas Knapp
Russian Hacking Report: All Hat, No Cattle
Jon Hochschartner
The Cory Booker Dilemma for Progressive Animal Activists
Weekend Edition
December 30, 2016
Friday - Sunday
Dave Lindorff
The Coming Assault on Social Security
Robert Fisk
We Do Not Live in “Post Truth” World, We Live in a World of Lies and We Always Have
Jeffrey St. Clair
Thin Green Line: 20 Groups Standing Between You and Doom
Andrew Levine
Trump’s Tweets Take a Turn for the Worse
Vijay Prashad
What Israel Fears
Ron Jacobs
2016 What Have You Wrought?
John Grant
Kerry’s Finest Hour: Obama Team Labels Israel an Outlaw Nation
Robert Fantina
Palestine, the World and Resolution 2334
Roberto D. Hernández
Why ‘White Genocide’ is Key to the Earth’s Survival: White Genocide From Baldwin to Ciccariello-Maher
John Laforge
Twittering While the World Comes to its Senses
David Rosen
Could It Have Been Different?
Will Parrish
The Fires of Standing Rock: How a New Resistance Movement was Ignited
Uri Avnery
Trump and Israel’s Anti-Semitic Zionists
Stansfield Smith
Venezuela’s Communal Movement
Pete Dolack
Any Way You Calculate it, Income Inequality is Getting Worse
Joyce Nelson
Spark of Light in a Dark Time
Grant Mincy
Fire, Snow and Mist: the Resilience of the Great Smoky Mountains
Paul Craig Roberts
What is the Obama Regime Up To?
Missy Comley Beattie
Step Into 2017
David Swanson
To Weapons Dealers, Laws Are Decorative Holiday Ornaments
Medea Benjamin
Selling Death: US Weapons Kill a Yemeni Child Every 10 Minutes
Joseph Natoli
Upheaving the Fourth Estate
Mike Miller
The Dilemmas of Progressive Electoral Politics
Samantha Krop
What’s Left of Place?
Brian Cloughley
Lying and Looking Ridiculous
Norman Pollack
Spectrum Shift: A Period In-Between
James McEnteer
Why is Ecuador Choosing to Sabotage Its Top Universities?
Daniel Borgstrom
Whatever Happened to the First Amendment? KPFA’s “Fake News” Pitch and the Ministry of Truth
Laura Finley
Cops Copping Out
Julian Vigo
Mourning Celebrity: The Public Sphere of Emotional Surrogacy
Fred Gardner
20 Years Ago Today: Clinton’s Response to California’s Legalization of Medical Marijuana
Ron Forthofer
Wake Up Call
Dan Bacher
Governor Jerry Brown Lauds Release of Documents for Delta Tunnels Water Grab
Jill Richardson
Welcome to the Trumpocracy
Leonard Peltier
A Special Appeal
Peter Berllios
Intra-Class Hostility in the New Barbarism
Peter Lee
Please Help HSBC Whistleblower Nicholas Wilson Stay In His Home
Louis Proyect
Alone, Resisting the Nazis
Charles R. Larson
Review: Yusuf Atilgan’s “Motherland Hotel”
December 29, 2016
Mike Whitney
The Reason the Fed is Raising Rates, and Why It Won’t Work 
John W. Whitehead
2016: The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year
Thomas Knapp
Obama’s Christmas Gift to Trump: a Ministry of Truth


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