Q&A;: My car won’t accelerate

Diane wants to know what to do after her daughter’s new car would not accelerate

Q: My daughter just bought her first new car and picked it up tonight.  It is a Hyundai i30.  She was on her way home when the car wouldn't accelerate and she had to call the RACV.  They did some testing and said information wasn't getting to the car's computer to tell it to accelerate. He said that the computer had reset and she drove home without further incident. 

I was hoping you could give me some advice on what her next step should be. She is obviously worried that is will happen again and possibly without warning.  Are you able to advise me on what she should do?

Kind regards 


A: We would recommend that you don't drive the vehicle as this could be a potential safety issue. Notify the dealer you brought the car from immediately, and it would also be worth contacting Hyundai customer service, and logging your experience. We would also recommend Hyundai collect the vehicle - considering the safety factor - and have them diagnose and repair the fault.

Mark Short

A former mechanic, Drive's logistic manager, Shorty, is our Commercial Vehicle expert and resident muscle car enthusiast.

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