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Israel summons US ambassador over UN settlement voteDan Shapiro had earlier been excluded from summons targeting 14 envoys of UNSC member states that voted for resolution.


Russia mourns victims of military plane crash        Europe

British pop star George Michael dies aged 53             Israeli–Palestinian conflict

A symbolic resolution against Israeli settlements   by Ben White

          Latin America

Peru and Bolivia vow to clean Lake Titicaca    by Jurriaan van Eerten


Finding my family after 44 years in prison   by  Jenna Belhumeur- Elena Boffetta

        Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Barack Obama, John Kerry, and the Palestine saga   by Avi Shlaim

       Show More Stories    Inside Story

Where is the next battleground in Syria? by  Inside Story

     Middle East

The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, today by  Mariana Palau- Mohammed Haddad


UpFront special: The rise of anti-Semitism    Opinion

China's love affair with the dollar by  Salvatore Babones

        Latest News   Trending     trueAl Jazeera condemns arrest of its journalist in Egypt8 hours agotrueChibok girl recalls 'miracle' release by Boko Haram11 hours agotrueIndia to build world's tallest statue of medieval king14 hours agotrueRebel attacks in eastern DRC 'kill at least 22'9 hours agotruePope Christmas message: Time for weapons to be still10 hours agotrueSecurity forces warn Tunisia over returning fighters14 hours agotrueFrench aid worker kidnapped in Mali16 hours agotrueUnder-pressure Trump to dissolve charitable foundation22 hours agotrueAt least 11 dead as deadly bombings hit Baghdad16 hours agotrueNew Syrian offensive targets rebels around Aleppoyesterdaytruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetrue More News      1

   India to build world's tallest statue of medieval king


   Russia mourns victims of military plane crash


   Israel summons US ambassador over UN settlement vote


   British pop star George Michael dies aged 53


   Chibok girl recalls 'miracle' release by Boko Haram


   A symbolic resolution against Israeli settlements


   Israel summons 14 ambassadors after UN settlement vote


   Barack Obama, John Kerry, and the Palestine saga


   China's love affair with the dollar


   'No survivors' as Syria-bound Russian plane crashes 

        VIDEO     FEATURED  NEWS  DOCUMENTARIES  SHOWS  SHORTS                          UpFront UpFront special: The rise of anti-Semitism2 days ago         Talk to Al Jazeera Obama adviser: China is more of a threat than Russiayesterday        Latin America Investigates Argentina: Cross-Border Trafficking3 days ago        Special series Boko Haram: Behind the Rise of Nigeria's Armed Group3 days ago        The Crusades: An Arab Perspective Unification: Saladin and the Fall of Jerusalem4 days ago        Inside Story Syria war crimes probe: Will anyone be charged?3 days ago        REWIND Behind America's Infant Mortality Crisis6 days ago        The Listening Post India: Modi's radio showlast week        Inside Story What will it take to recapture Mosul?8 hours ago        Talk to Al Jazeera Peter Hultqvist: 'Respect international law' 20 hours ago           Inside Story What will it take to recapture Mosul?8 hours ago        Talk to Al Jazeera Peter Hultqvist: 'Respect international law' 20 hours ago        Inside Story Where is the next battleground in Syria?yesterday        Counting the Cost Apple's tax war with the EUyesterday        Talk to Al Jazeera Obama adviser: China is more of a threat than Russiayesterday        Inside Story Egypt pulls plug on UN vote on Israeli settlements2 days ago        UpFront Web extra: Is boycotting Israel anti-Semitic?2 days ago        UpFront UpFront special: The rise of anti-Semitism2 days ago        Inside Story Syria war crimes probe: Will anyone be charged?3 days ago        Inside Story Why is Germany being targeted?4 days ago           Special series Boko Haram: Behind the Rise of Nigeria's Armed Group3 days ago        Witness Istanbul Streets: I Hear Music 3 days ago        REWIND Behind America's Infant Mortality Crisis6 days ago        Witness Something Better to Come: Life in a Garbage Dumplast week        101 East China's African Gold Rushlast week        Witness The Girl Who Saved My Lifelast week        Fault Lines The Anacortes Refinery Disasterlast week        REWIND It's a Man's World: Rape in Cambodialast week        Special series The Nobel Interview: Juan Manuel Santos2 weeks ago        Witness Samoa's Rugby Super Women2 weeks ago       01:38      One year five families: Al Jazeera revisits a pellet gun victim in India-administered Kashmir18 hours ago    02:00       Golden Netanyahu statue springs up in Tel Aviv23 hours ago    01:16      NYC mayor defends Muslim cop23 hours ago    01:14      Hong Kong's 'Sky Full of Gods'23 hours ago    01:34      More join #NoDAPL protests23 hours ago    00:59      Covering Reactor 423 hours ago    00:26      Pope Francis' tribute to Colombia crash victims23 hours ago    01:07      Canadians protest pipeline expansionyesterday    01:13      Homes made of garbage in Yemenyesterday    01:18      South America's First Sustainable Public School3 days ago       02:56      Remembering the fall of the USSR 1 hour ago    01:59      Families still grieving in South Sudan1 hour ago    02:11      Argentina: Blind and deaf explore universe at interactive planetarium11 hours ago    02:22      France: Catholic charity throws Christmas party for poor Parisians14 hours ago    02:31      UK: Musicians saving female composers from obscurity15 hours ago    02:18      Russian plane crash: No sign of survivors16 hours ago    02:13      US artist's life-like paintings shed light on race, poverty19 hours ago    02:01      Sudan steps up efforts to save historical landmarks 21 hours ago    02:42      African doctors research DNA to cure diseases in the continent 22 hours ago    02:16      Argentina: Cooperatives helping the poor in Buenos Airesyesterday        Opinion    Time to reclaim our suffering   by Yasmeen El Khoudary

      The UN settlement resolution is too little and too late   by Geoffrey Aronson

      China's love affair with the dollar   by Salvatore Babones

      Barack Obama, John Kerry, and the Palestine saga   by Avi Shlaim

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     Week in Pictures: From Berlin attack to China pollutionFrom Berlin truck attack that killed 12 people to pollution in China and world's tallest Christmas tree in Sri Lanka.

     A life in flux for Lebanon's Dom communityOn the fringes of Lebanese society, the Dom suffer from extreme poverty and social marginalisation.

     Standing Rock 'water protectors' dig in for the winterAs winter rages over the Dakotas and temperatures plummet below freezing, NoDAPL protest movement members hold ground.

    PreviousNext        follow us on instagram @aljazeera

        Battle for Aleppo     Time to reclaim our suffering  East Aleppo: 'Our memories are buried'  New Syrian offensive targets rebels around Aleppo  Where is the next battleground in Syria?     Middle East    Battle for Aleppo

East Aleppo: 'Our memories are buried'Residents evacuated from the Syrian city of Aleppo are beginning their lives anew in Idlib.

    by Adam Lucente and Zouhir Al Shimale

            Israeli–Palestinian conflict

A symbolic resolution against Israeli settlementsObservers are divided on whether the recent UNSC resolution will lead to any substantive change.

    by Ben White


Is interactivity the future of refugee fundraising?Charities are increasingly turning to digital technology as a means of engaging jaded donors.

    by India Stoughton

         Syrian Refugees

Dire conditions for Syrian refugees on Jordan's borderRefugees in "the berm" area face new challenges amid advent of harsh winter weather.

    by Venetia Rainey


Israeli rabbis launch war on Christmas treeJerusalem hotels receive warning letter noting that Jewish religious law forbids Christmas trees and new year's parties.

     by Jonathan Cook

           Africa   Rebel attacks in eastern DRC 'kill at least 22' Chibok girl recalls 'miracle' release by Boko HaramSecurity forces warn Tunisia over returning fightersNigeria claims capture of Boko Haram base in Sambisa    Latin America   Peru and Bolivia vow to clean Lake Titicaca  Mexico fireworks market blast kills at least 32Maduro delays withdrawal of banknote after protestsBolivia ruling party backs Morales for a fourth term    Europe   British pop star George Michael dies aged 53 Russia mourns victims of military plane crash'No survivors' as Syria-bound Russian plane crashes Peter Hultqvist: 'Respect international law'                  News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Community Guidelines  Work for us     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter     Our Channels   AJ +  AJ Arabic  AJ Balkans  AJ Turk  AJ Mubasher  AJ Documentary     Our Network   AJ Human Rights Center  AJ Center for Studies  AJ Forum  AJ Training Center  AJ Film Festival  AJ Learning  AJ Hotel Partners      © 2016 Al Jazeera Media Network

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