Film Premiere

We are thrilled to announce the November launch of "Belo Monte: After the Flood," a new film directed by award-winning filmmaker Todd Southgate


As wind and solar power have taken off globally, the World Bank is behind the curve in its continued focus on large hydro. 

Read The World Bank and Dams Part 4 

Our Blogs

The United Nations Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council recently published the outcome of communications on the human rights impacts of the Don Sahong Dam. Responses to concerns from the Government of Laos and Mekong River...
Two weeks ago, at the 20th anniversary celebration of Democracy Now!, Noam Chomsky reminded the crowd that, despite the astounding toxicity of the US presidential campaign and the...
Over the past 15 years, International Rivers has changed a lot but has always stayed true to its mission. Some parting thoughts from Peter Bosshard,
In June, I wrote about courageous colleagues from Niger who came to the World Bank’s headquarters in Washington to sound the alarm over some 60,000 people at risk of being displaced by the...

Latest News

China’s decision to shelve hydropower projects presents an important opportunity for Myanmar to re-evaluate their planned dams on the Salween. This includes the implications of these projec...
Brazil is forging ahead with plans to build a vast hydropower dam complex in the heart of the Amazon that scientists and NGOs say will threaten Amazonian biodiversity, ecosystems,...
New plans show that the Chinese government no longer intends to dam the Nujiang, China's last free-flowing river. This marks a great success for the country's environmental movement.
More than 300 indigenous people in communities on the Teles Pires River, a tributary of the Tapajós River, have been impacted by an oil spill of unknown origin. Investigation is ongoing.


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