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All About PLR

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What is PLR?

About us

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PLR objectives

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PLR International


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Registration Service (UK and Irish PLR)

How do I apply for PLR?

PLR forms & leaflets

Registration of non-print material

PLR payments

Assigning PLR

Posthumous application

Renouncing your PLR




Through our website we aim to provide published authors with an easy route to register for UK and Irish PLR which is a legal right to payment from government in both countries each time their books are borrowed from public libraries.

UK PLR is now the responsibility of the British Library. However, the existing team in Stockton-on-Tees joined the British Library and continues to administer PLR.

Our website also provides further details of the work we do and through our Media Centre gives a unique insight into UK book borrowing tastes from the data collected from libraries across the country.



PLR is now on Twitter

Please follow us for regular updates on our service to authors.

Revised 2016 Irish statements

We have identified a small number of statements which display incorrect loan figures on some titles. Payment amounts for these titles are not affected as they have been calculated on the correct number of loans. Those affected will receive an email when their replacement statement is available to view. Click here for further details.

Irish PLR annual statements and payments

This year’s Rate Per Loan for the Irish PLR Scheme is 4.09 cent. Irish PLR statements will be available to view online from 9 November 2016... (more)

UK PLR proposed Rate Per Loan

Following consultation with the PLR Advisory Committee and British Library Board, the Rate Per Loan for the basis of the 2017 UK PLR payments has now been recommended to DCMS... (more)


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Library Information

UK library sample lists

How the UK library sample works

How PLR uses the UK loans information

How the UK library sample affects authors

Information for UK sample library authorities

Irish PLR


publicity image

UK Media Centre

Media Releases

Chart toppers

Most borrowed authors

Most borrowed titles

Loans by category




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The information provided in this website may be quoted or reproduced, but PLR must be acknowledged as the source of the information. However, we cannot accept responsibility for its accuracy or currency.

The PLR UK website is maintained by the PLR UK website team. Any design comments should be directed to the Website Team.