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Aleppo evacuation to resume as deal is reached

The New Arab

Aleppo evacuation to resume as deal is reached

Rebels will allow some 4,000 people to leave besieged regime-controlled villages of al-Fuaa and Kefraya as part of a new deal to resume the evacuation of eastern Aleppo on Saturday.

Date of publication: 17 December, 2016

Five women airport workers shot dead in southern Afghanistan

The New Arab & agencies

Five women airport workers shot dead in southern Afghanistan

Five security guards employed to search women passengers at Kandahar International Airport have been shot dead, triggering concerns for employed women in the country.

Israel returns bodies of Palestinians killed by military

The New Arab & agencies

Israel returns bodies of Palestinians killed by military

After long delays, Israel has returned seven Palestinian bodies killed by its forces over the past six-months back to families, but three more ...

Iran and UK in diplomatic battle over Syria war

The New Arab & agencies

Iran and UK in diplomatic battle over Syria war

Tit-for-tat diplomatic spat between the UK and Iran is taking place over ...

'Young girl' detonates suicide bomb in Damascus police station

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'Young girl' detonates suicide bomb in Damascus police station

A Damascus neigbourhood was struck with a suicide bomber that was identified as a young girl on Friday, authorities said.

Trump calls for Syria safe-zones funded by Gulf countries

The New Arab

Trump calls for Syria safe-zones funded by Gulf countries

Trump called for safe zones in Syria during his election campaign but Thursday's comments mark the first time the president-elect has reiterated the proposal since he began receiving intelligence briefings

Rebels allow besieged villages' evacuation to aid Aleppo deal

The New Arab & agencies

Rebels allow besieged villages' evacuation to aid Aleppo deal

Syrian rebel groups have agreed to allow wounded civilians of rebel-besieged areas of Idlib to be evacuated after pro-government militias halted the east Aleppo operation to relocate thousands of civilians.

Canada looks to export refugee resettlement system

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours

Canada looks to export refugee resettlement system

The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative gathered in Ottawa to discuss Canada�s private sponsorship programme, which allows groups of five ...

Idlib: Syria's next battleground city?

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Idlib: Syria's next battleground city?

After the imminent fall of the Syrian opposition in Aleppo, the next likely epicentre of the regime and its allies' offensive could be the final ...

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Aleppo wounded desperate for treatment in Turkey

Ankara has said that the evacuees from Syria's Aleppo in need of treatment will be allowed in.

UN Security Council extends South Sudan mission

The New Arab & agencies

UN Security Council extends South Sudan mission

The UN Security Council has extended the mandate of its peacekeeping mission in South Sudan for a year, demanding an end to the fighting.

FBI, CIA agree Russia hacks aimed to boost Trump

The New Arab & agencies

FBI, CIA agree Russia hacks aimed to boost Trump

The CIA and FBI have both concluded that Russia intervened in the US presidential election aiming to help Donald Trump win.

The New Arab & agencies

Moving US embassy to Jerusalem will 'destroy' peace process

A senior Palestinian official has warned US President-elect Donald Trump that keeping his word and moving the American embassy to Jerusalem would destroy prospects of a peace process with Israel.

Al-Qaeda leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar 'dead and buried' in Libya

Massinissa Benlakehal

Al-Qaeda leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar 'dead and buried' in Libya

One of the most-wanted militants in North Africa was killed in a French ...

Scores of Palestinian children have more than one disability

The New Arab

Scores of Palestinian children have more than one disability

Research by Unicef has found 41.8 percent of Palestinian children have more than one disability, with the prolonged conflict surrounding them and cultural stigmas leaving them in a "dire situation".

Syrian protester screams at Prime Minister's gates over Aleppo

The New Arab

Syrian protester screams at Prime Minister's gates over Aleppo

Sawsan Abou Zain, an active Syrian protester in London, became completely frustrated over the government's lack of action on Aleppo.

Syrians surprised as Jewish students join Aleppo protest

Robert Cusack

Syrians surprised as Jewish students join Aleppo protest

Syrian protesters in London were initially surprised on Thursday night after the Jewish Students’ Union joined their gathering in support of Aleppo - but tensions quickly thawed.

Putin 'seeking Syria-wide ceasefire' after levelling of Aleppo

The New Arab & agencies

Putin 'seeking Syria-wide ceasefire' after levelling of Aleppo

Putin, currently in Japan, has said that talks with Erdogan will take place in Astana, Kazakhstan's capital on future steps in Syria

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