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Search engine features
All accounts, free or subscription, include all the features detailed on this page.

Both free (sponsored) accounts and subscriptions get the power of our search technology. Other search solutions have severely limited free versions and charge as much as $10,000 a year for some of these features.

FreeFind gives you the best free
and subscription service available!

All of these powerful features are also available as an ad-free subscription, plus you'll get the highest priority service and support.

    Super-fast setup
    Advanced site search engine
    Reports track visitors' searches
    Automatic site map
    Automatic what's new list
    Optional web search
    Complete customization
    Scheduled re-indexing
    Content monitoring
    No fixed page limit
    Ease of use
    Indexing of password-protected pages
    And much more
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Super-fast setup

FreeFind is the fastest and easiest way to add search capabilities to your web site. All you do is enter your e-mail and web site address (URL) in the form below and press the sign-up button.

We'll e-mail you everything you need to have a search engine up and operating on your site in minutes. The e-mail contains a selection of search boxes along with complete instructions.

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Advanced site search engine

The FreeFind search-engine was designed from the ground-up to deliver high-quality, high-performance search capabilities to your web site. The distributed design operates across multiple load-balanced servers to deliver maximum up-time and the fastest performance.

The advanced design enables FreeFind to deliver professional quality search capabilities to hundreds of thousands of websites simultaneously.

This high-performance search engine can be installed on your website and fully customized with your site's look and feel in minutes, today.

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Reports track visitors' searches

Now you don't have to guess what your visitors are looking for! Get immediate access to complete search reports, including top keyword counts and recently performed searches.

This information is very valuable. Use it to improve your site by adding more content in subject areas that are frequently searched.

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Complete customization

Integrate FreeFind seamlessly with your web site by customizing the search results page to match your site. Easy-to-use FreeFind wizards give you complete control over the look of your search results including your own titles, text, logo, background, and more.
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Scheduled re-indexing

Each time your web site changes the FreeFind spider will visit your site and build an index of your pages.

You can schedule re-indexing daily, weekly, monthly, or ask for immediate re-indexing at any time!

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Optional web search engine

Choose site search, web search, or both.

We send you a variety of search panels to choose from. You can select search panels which give your visitor the option to search your web site or the whole web, search panels which just search your own site, or search panels which just search the world wide web. What ever type of search engine you want, you've got it!

Customize the web search results with your own background, colors, logo and more.

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Automatic site-map

Site maps are often helpful for your site's visitors, but until now they have been hard to maintain, requiring frequent updates as other parts of your website change. Now FreeFind can automatically generate a site map, and automatically update it each time your site changes. Choose from three different styles of site-map, or use them all!

   more info on the automatic sitemap feature...

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Automatic what's new list

If your site gets repeat visitors, a "what's new" list is a must. With one click visitors can see what changes you've made to the site since their last visit, and go directly to the new or updated pages. FreeFind generates and maintains your "what's new" list for you automatically.
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Content monitoring

FreeFind is the only search engine that enables your visitors to find the page they're looking for, then keeps an eye on it.

FreeFind's ChangeDetection (tm) monitoring system lets your users monitor a page for content changes, then notifies them when the page is changed. This helps build traffic to your site by turning casual visitors into repeat visitors and keeps loyal visitors coming back!

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Ease of use

FreeFind is the easiest way to put a search engine on your website today. We e-mail you the HTML you need to put the search engine on your site.

Then the FreeFind control center enables you to customize and control your search engine as well as get detailed reports on what has been searched for. The control center "wizards" step you through the process quickly and easily.

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No fixed page limit

FreeFind indexes sites of all sizes.
Many of our sites have in excess of ten thousand pages.
If you have a big, high-traffic site you've come to the right place.
Free accounts
  64MB initial limit
  About 3,000 pages
  Liberal, free increases
  Large sites OK
Subscription accounts
Choose from 6 plans
Select up to 25,000 pages
25,000+ pages, contact us
Very cost-effective
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 Enter your web site address

 Enter your email address
 (we keep it private)
 Click the button. You're done! 
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