ACT News

Canberra Hospital welcomes Christmas baby

Santa had eight reindeer. This Canberra Christmas baby has almost as many names.

First-time parents Alex Pabian and Stella Vongdara welcomed their baby boy at 7.21am at the Canberra Hospital on Sunday.

Weighing a healthy 3.11 kilograms - about six pounds for the traditionalists - their baby was a welcome Christmas gift.

But he was also an early one - at noon, the Isabella Plains couple were yet to choose a name for their beloved son.

Ms Vongdara's picks were Mason, Cooper and Jackson, while Mr Pabian preferred Dalton and Remington.

"He's definitely changed our plans," Ms Vongdara said.


Ms Vongdara, a December baby herself, said she was determined to ensure her child received an appropriate amount of gifts on his birthday.

And as the first child born to her family's second generation, there's little doubt he will be spoiled.

"My birthday is on the 12th and I hate it," Ms Vongdara said.

"I will definitely make sure I do that [buy twice the gifts] as I know how it feels."

Canberra's first Christmas baby was born at Calvary at 2.48am, one of three born at the hospital on Sunday.