- published: 28 Sep 2016
- views: 895310
Democracy Party may refer to:
The League for Democracy Party or LDP; (Khmer: គណបក្សសម្ព័ន្ធដើម្បីប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ) is a Cambodian political party that was formed on 15 July 2005. The party itself, however, was established on 26 June 2006. Its leader is Khem Veasna. The goal: "A Nation In Which We Live As Its Owner." The mission is to put the 8 Mechanisms as legal instruments to reduce the "power of the government" and bring power back to the citizens. Continuing its goals with building knowledge and critical thinking and analysis, The League for Democracy Party has been active in conducting public forums for its supporters and sympathizers, roundtable discussions, workshops, live shows and talk-backs on radios since 2006, as a result,more than 2,000-hours speeches are posted on its website (www.camldp.org). Speeches are also available in medias in the form of CDs, memory sticks, VCDs, etc. throughout LDP's offices in Cambodia
LDP may mean:
The following elections will and have occurred in the year 2013.
FLIP BOTTLE CHALLENGE with LDP, Kevin Anggara n Koharo
បុរសម្នាក់ឡើងអុកលុកក្នុងវេទិកាខេត្តសៀមរាប|update by Ldp Radio-2016
ldp forum phnom penh 03-07-2016 | 161
Anjingnya LDP imut bangettt
Khem veasna React of kick 13 ldp monk out , ldp forum kampong speu #ខឹម វាសនា
Mau tahu SISI RAHASIA dari ANAK-ANAK LDP?! Kalau kelihatannya BAIK2, tapi aslinya sih! Hmmm.... Cari tahu UC browser di Google atau 9APPS untuk mengetahui sisi lain para selebriti. Download juga applikasi UC News untuk pengalaman membaca berita yang cerdas dan terdepan. Ikuti juga Channel UC Browser untuk mendapatkan hal-hal seru lainnya. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsVgAf60vPtZ4NDPj0lusSA Follow LDP on FACEBOOK! http://www.facebook.com/LastDayProd and INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/LastDayProd EMAIL: For business enquiries please contact lastdayprod@gmail.com LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & BANTU SHARE YAAAA!!! :) SISI LAIN ANAK² LDP Produced & Directed by: Leon Zhe Young (http://www.instagram.com/Elziwai) Listia Magdalena (http://www.instagram.com/tya_magdalena) Assistant Director: ...
Siapakah yang akan menang? tulis di comment bawah sebelum nonton yaa sesuai request troopz untuk main flip bottle, akhirnya kita bikin challenge bareng-bareng LDP, Kevin Anggara dan Koharo. kira-kira siapa yaa yang akan menang? music by epidemic sound www.epidemicsound.com please Subscribe, like, comment and share, karena subscribe, like, comment dari temen2 semua yang memberikan gw energy untuk terus bikin video dan berkarya di Youtube ^^ ALL GLORY TO GOD !! Thank you for being you xoxo www.edhozell.com For booking and/or business inquiries : 088808311225 ( Laura ) WA only web.edhozell@gmail.com *disclaimer : this video may contains part of other video that is uploaded to Youtube therefore it is courtesy of Youtube and as a verified Youtube partner, i am allowed to use part of othe...
Kumpulan-kumpulan BLOOPERS/BEHIND THE SCENE dari LDP yang KEDUA!! Follow LDP on FACEBOOK! http://www.facebook.com/LastDayProd and INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/LastDayProd EMAIL: For business enquiries please contact lastdayprod@gmail.com LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & BANTU SHARE YAAAA!!! :) BLOOPERS COMPILATION 2 Produced & Directed by: Leon Zhe Young (http://www.instagram.com/Elziwai) Listia Magdalena (http://www.instagram.com/tya_magdalena) *** LASTDAY Production: Leon Zhe Young http://instagram.com/elziwai Listia Magdalena http://instagram.com/tya_magdalena --- Copyright 2016, LASTDAY Production.
អាជ្ញាធរស្រុកខ្មែរចោរសុទ្ធ~https://youtu.be/OZkAU-WR6C0 khem veasna talk show buth savung and Sansochea~https://youtu.be/YE2p3oU-Mgg សមរង្ស៊ី កឹម សុខាជាមនុស្សកន្ទុយហ្វូង~https://youtu.be/NNqo9EqV0qQ CNRPដូចមាន់មានជម្ងឺ~https://youtu.be/c3uRqAXSo_M លោក ខឹមវាសនាដុតDj Nana~https://youtu.be/q8txtetQXZ8 សេចក្តីល្អមានលក្ខណពីរយ៉ាង~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XqXV0UP2XE លោកសង្ឃល្ងង់ៗណាស់អត់ចេះធ្វើអីទេ~https://youtu.be/_0-fe4wQSBU គជបអាចម៍រាជ~https://youtu.be/UqSIu4K1C-0 គ្មានខ្វាក់ណាស្មើនឹងខ្វាក់មិនចេះមើលទេ~https://youtu.be/63H-mtoXYDM មនុស្សអាត្មានិយមមិនអាចស្តាប់ldpយល់ទេ~https://youtu.be/9ldJYjlm1IM ខ្លាំងតែឯងមិនប្រសើរដូចខ្លាំងទាំងអស់គ្នាឡើយ~https://youtu.be/E6mc3T9uEls លក្ខណៈសម្បត្តិរបស់អ្នកនយោបាយដែលអាចនាំជាតិទៅដល់គោលដៅ~https://youtu.be/z47LxuJE-P0 ក្តិតអាចម៍អីទេហា៎~https://youtu.be/375MsL-...
Mempersembahkan short film ketiga LDP!! Follow LDP on FACEBOOK! http://www.facebook.com/LastDayProd and INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/LastDayProd EMAIL: For business enquiries please contact lastdayprod@gmail.com LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & BANTU SHARE YAAAA!!! :) Juno Produced & Directed by: Leon Zhe Young (http://www.instagram.com/Elziwai) Listia Magdalena (http://www.instagram.com/tya_magdalena) Director of Photography: Goenrock (http://www.instagram.com/goenrock) Music Composer: Christian Bong (http://www.instagram.com/christianbong) Assistant Director Kotaro Jonathan (http://www.instagram.com/tarojonathan) Daniel Prakarsa (http://www.instagram.com/danielprakarsa) Project Manager: Jessica Prasetya (http://www.instagram.com/jazzpeee) Soundman: Ryann Boentoro (http://www.instagra...
by khem veasna | ldp | ខឹម វាសនា | #khem veasna 161 ✔SUBSCRIBE ► https://www.youtube.com/user/ldpblog?sub_confirmation=1 ✔Find Us On Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/ldp20years ✔forum kompongthom 01-12-2014 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHZgZBZQAho ✔Forum phnom penh 05 10 2014 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyOgeoNi--g ✔Forum Battambang 25-10-2014 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atdOwwIneNM ✔leadership ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDnSDoUiPEI ✔forum siermeap 30 11 2014 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZDEEdMIMfU ✔Ldp sponsore ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZix9XNyoDI ✔Ldp so sad ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC8p2t-OUEk khem veasna democracy khem veasna ldp khem veasna 2011 khem veasna 2013 khem veasna vs kimsreng ear khem veasna speech khem veasna biogr...
Ini adalah channel resmi ke 2 dari edho zell. isinya kegiatan edho zell sehari2 sebagai seorang youtubers, video gaming versi gak diedit, dan adegan2 salah (bloopers) music intro thanx to Eka Gustiwana mohon saling menghormati di setiap comment, comment yang memprovokasi, tidak menghargai pendapat orang lain, mengandung kata-kata kasar dan SARA akan langsung di block oleh admin ps : edho zell gak bales comment di channel ini, sebagai gantinya edho zell akan streaming live (siaran langsung) menjawab langsung pertanyaan2 dari teman2 troopz semua. troopz kalo mau commentnya di balas langsung sama edhozell, comment di channel utama edhozell yah
Thanks buat Kevin Anggara udah bantuin jadi host!! (http://www.youtube.com/KevinAnggara) Follow LDP on FACEBOOK! http://www.facebook.com/LastDayProd and INSTAGRAM! http://www.instagram.com/LastDayProd EMAIL: For business enquiries please contact lastdayprod@gmail.com LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & BANTU SHARE YAAAA!!! :) SEBERAPA KENAL KAMU DENGAN LDP? Produced & Directed by: Leon Zhe Young (http://www.instagram.com/Elziwai) Listia Magdalena (http://www.instagram.com/tya_magdalena) Soundman: Ryan Boentoro (http://www.instagram.com/ryannboentoro) CAST: Leon Zhe Young (http://instagram.com/elziwai) Listia Magdalena (http://instagram.com/tya_magdalena) Martha Patricia (http://instagram.com/marthaapatricia) Reza Ferdian Sadha (http://instagram.com/rezafs) Andre Prawira (http://instagram.com/andre_...
khem veasna #ldp #khem veasna #ខឹម វាសនា Khem veasna React of kick 13 ldp monk out , ldp forum kampong speu khem veasna ldp khem veasna song khem veasna 2011 khem veasna 2013 khem veasna mp3 khem veasna facebook khem veasna vs kimsreng ear khem veasna speech khem veasna biography khem veasna mp3 khem veasna 2013 khem veasna party khem veasna history Khem Veasna voices - Photos khem veasna league for democracy party ldp party khem veasna leaque for democracy party youtube khem veasna khmer ldp veasana khem league for democracy party in cambodia League for Democracy Party - YouTube Kem sokha (CNRP) sends message to Khem veasna(LDP) Nhem Ponhearith and LDP Youth Forum Discussion 05 May 2013 part Kem Veasna the leader of LDP on TVK (bad word) = Must listen league for democracy party leag...
well i hate
my thoughts but
i think anyways
well i hate
my words but
i speak anyways
and i am calling
but you´re not there
so i i call back
but it´s too late
in & out and in & out
my mind is burning up with doubt
in & out and in & out
my heart is burning up with doubt
well i stare
at nothing
i´m blind to see
that i can´t
control my reality
and i am calling
but you´re not there
so i i call back
but its too late
in & out and in & out
my mind is burning up with doubt
in & out and in & out