Completion reporting - information for organisations

Self reporting of completion — free service

Proof of completion of all courses is provided to all learners in the form of a printable and emailable Certificate of Completion. Learners can use these certificates in their portfolios or present them to their employers/lecturers as proof of completion. They can also be used for self reporting of continuing professional development (where applicable). There is no cost to either the learner or their organisation for the issuance of Certificates of Completion. Learners can also print their own activity reports if they need to demonstrate completion of individual modules or provide evidence of assessment scores.

Organisational reporting of completion — fees apply

NPS MedicineWise offers a reporting service that provides a streamlined solution to tracking staff/student completion of courses. A cost recovery fee is charged for this service. All reports are provided in accordance with the information contained in this document and subject to the terms and conditions below.

Report description

Completion reports are available for all courses on this site. The reports are in Excel format and contain the following information:

  • first name
  • last name
  • employee/student ID (if provided by the learner)
  • AHPRA number (if provided by the learner)
  • profession/discipline
  • organisation
  • year commenced study/work
  • course name
  • completion date
  • completion status

To appear in an organisational completion report an employee/student must have:

  • completed all the course requirements (as set by NPS MedicineWise)
  • selected their organisation in their profile (either when registering or by updating their profile)
  • NOT elected to be excluded from organisational reports.

Reporting frequency and costs

Reports will be run on the 20th day of every month and will then be emailed to the nominated recipient on the next business day. The reporting cycle commences from the nominated starting month until December of that year.

From January 2017 the annual reporting subscription consists of two parts: a standard flat fee of $300 +GST for set up, authorisation and management of the reporting process, plus a fee of $10 +GST per monthly report.

This does NOT include reporting of the Paediatric module from the National Inpatient Medication Chart as completion of this module is optional, and requires a separate extraction of data. A separate fee is charged if organisations wish to get the Paediatric module completions for $2.50 +GST per month.

Compulsory set up fee

$300 +GST

Paediatric module (optional)

Reporting period

+ $

+ $

Jan – Dec

120 +GST

30.00 +GST

Feb – Dec

110 +GST

27.50 +GST

Mar – Dec

100 +GST

25.00 +GST

Apr – Dec

90 +GST

22.50 +GST

May – Dec

80 +GST

20.00 +GST

June – Dec

70 +GST

17.50 +GST

Jul – Dec

60 +GST

15.00 +GST

Aug – Dec

50 +GST

12.50 +GST

Sep – Dec

40 +GST

10.00 +GST

Oct – Dec

30 +GST

7.50 +GST

Nov – Dec

20 +GST

5.00 +GST

Dec only

10 +GST

2.50 +GST

Customised reports

Please call NPS MedicineWise Learning on  02 8217 8642 to discuss customised reporting options. An additional fee will be charged for setting up custom reports.

How to access organisational reports

To request access for organisational completion reports complete and return the Reports request form to NPS MedicineWise:

Click here to open reports request form

NPS MedicineWise will acknowledge receipt of this form and issue you with a tax invoice for your nominated reporting option. On receipt of full payment and verification of your authority to receive the report, NPS MedicineWise will send notification of successful application.

Reports will then be sent by email to the nominated authorised recipient as per the selected reporting cycle.

Need more information?

Contact or call 02 8217 8642 for more information.



ACCEPTANCE BY ORGANISATION REQUESTING REPORT: By completing the NPS MedicineWise Learning Report Request Form (“the Form”) the organisation(s) listed on the Form (“the Organisation(s)”) are taken to have authorised NPS MedicineWise to release the reports to the report recipients listed on the Form subject to (i) the information contained in the Completion Reporting information sheet and (ii) these Terms and Conditions.

  1. DELIVERY OF THE REPORTS: NPS MedicineWise will use its best endeavours to ensure that reports are transmitted in accordance with the frequency information contained in the Completion Reporting information sheet, but time is not of the essence.
  2. WARRANTIES: To the fullest extent permitted by law, NPS MedicineWise excludes all express and implied terms, conditions and warranties which might otherwise apply to the reports to be produced by NPS MedicineWise or that may arise out of the Agreement between the parties.
  3. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure or delay in performance due to any cause or circumstance beyond their control. Performance shall be delayed for the duration of the force majeure condition, provided that any party claiming the benefit of this clause shall use all reasonable diligence to complete its obligations hereunder as quickly as practicable.
  4. INDEMNIFICATION: The Organisation(s) shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless NPS MedicineWise against all damages, claims, costs and expenses howsoever caused arising out of this Agreement or resulting from the report(s) supplied hereunder.
  5. TERMINATION: The Organisation(s) requesting the reports shall be entitled to cancel the reports ordered at any time by giving 10 days written notice to NPS MedicineWise but no refund shall be payable by NPS MedicineWise. NPS MedicineWise shall be entitled to cancel the arrangement between the parties by providing the Organisations(s) with 30 days written notice of cancellation. Where NPS MedicineWise gives notice under this clause, the Organisation(s) requesting the report shall be entitled to a refund of fees proportionate to the unexpired part of the calendar year
  6. JURISDICTION AND ARBITRATION: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of New South Wales. If any dispute arises as to this Agreement or a breach of this Agreement, then the party claiming the breach or dispute shall notify the other party as soon as possible.  Upon such notification, the parties will meet and conduct in good faith such discussions and negotiations as may be necessary or desirable to amicably resolve any dispute which has arisen between them within a period of 30 Business Days, Following the 30 day period, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, relating to or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be resolved by arbitration.
  7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The relationship between the parties shall be governed by this Agreement comprising of (i) the Form; (ii) the NPS MedicineWise Completion Reporting information sheet; and (iii) these Terms and Conditions. The Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter and cancels and supersedes any other prior or contemporaneous agreements, express or implied, written or oral, with respect to the same subject matter.
  8. INTELECTUAL PROPERTY: In connection with the use of “NPS”, “NPS MedicineWise” or any other trade names, trademarks, logos or service marks of NPS MedicineWise under or in connection with this Agreement or contained in the reports (“Marks”), the Organisation(s) acknowledge and agree that the Marks are and shall remain the sole property of NPS MedicineWise; that nothing in this Agreement shall confer upon the Organisation(s) any right of ownership in the Marks; and the Organisation(s) shall not now, or in the future, contest the validity of the Marks.
  9. PRIVACY: The Organisation(s) must ensure that any Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (“the Act”) received pursuant to this Agreement is kept securely and is not used in such a way or for any purpose which would constitute  a breach of the Act or Australian Privacy Principles.


Last modified: Monday, 28 November 2016, 11:51 AM