- published: 16 Oct 2009
- views: 254103
The Commodore 64, also known as the C64, C-64, C= 64, or occasionally CBM 64 or VIC-64, is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International. It is listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-selling single computer model of all time, with independent estimates placing the number sold between 10 and 17 million units.
Volume production started in early 1982, with machines being released on to the market in August at a price of US$595 (roughly equivalent to $1,500 in 2016). Preceded by the Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore PET, the C64 takes its name from its 64 kilobytes (65,536 bytes) of RAM, and has technologically superior sound and graphical specifications when compared to some earlier systems such as the Apple II and Atari 800, with multi-color sprites and a more advanced sound processor.
The C64 dominated the low-end computer market for most of the 1980s. For a substantial period (1983–1986), the C64 had between 30% and 40% share of the US market and two million units sold per year, outselling the IBM PC compatibles, Apple Inc. computers, and the Atari 8-bit family of computers. Sam Tramiel, a later Atari president and the son of Commodore's founder, said in a 1989 interview, "When I was at Commodore we were building 400,000 C64s a month for a couple of years." In the UK market, the 64 faced competition from the BBC Micro and the ZX Spectrum but the 64 was still one of the two most-popular computers in the UK.
Review from the perspective of a casual collector of video games: is the C64 worth buying today? A short run-down of the history, pros and cons of the games and system, what to look for and be aware of when buying, as well as some of the other 8-bit computers from Jack Tramiel era Commodore. ● Please consider helping support LGR on Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews Turrican II Nebulus Bounder Sanxion Stunt Car Racer SimCity Epyx Summer Games Leaderboard Frogger Ms. Pac-Man Outrun Street Fighter II
The Commodore 64 is an 8-bit home computer introduced by Commodore International in January 1982. Volume production started in the spring of 1982, with machines being released on to the market in August at a price of US$595.
How to connect a 1980's Commodore 64 8-Bit computer to the Internet, BBS, IRC, WWW and Warpcopy. Using the 64NIC+ cartridge: http://www.go4retro.com/products/64nic/ Utilities Disk .d64: http://www.go4retro.com/downloads/64nic+/c64nic.d64 Contiki Software: http://contiki.cbm8bit.com/ Commodore 64 Web Server (running on a C64): http://www.c64web.com My blog: http://kookytech.net Join us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/kookytech My G+: http://gplus.to/danwood My Twitter: http://twitter.com/danwood_uk
http://www.c64audio.com/ - buy the music used in this video from that awesome site! Lots of other great music there too and DRM free music. Well, I figured I might as well do a C64 one as well :) I'm not 100% satisfied with this one though.. it's not as good as the Amiga one. The reason is that I made this one just after finishing the Amiga one and I was a little burnt out I guess.. got very sick of making this one almost right away. It's stilld decent though so I hope some people can enjoy it at least :) The soundtrack consists of these three songs, all by Instant Remedy - Flimbo's Quest Commando Game On (Issue 0989) Complete list of games in this video (might be some errors) - 1. Last Ninja 2 (0:00) 2. IK+ (0:07) 3. Maniac Mansion (0:13) 4. Pirates! (0:19) 5. Za...
The Commodore 64, otherwise known as the C64, C-64 or CBM64... What can I say about this machine that hasn't already said. It's an amazing piece of kit which has stood the test of time admirably. In this video, I'll give you the background story of the beast, as well as my personal views, a hardware rundown, my software picks (along with some terrible gameplay) and tell you what's been happening in more recent times for the 30+ year old Commodore machine. Sit back, relax, and grab your joysticks *ahem*. Accompanying article available at http://www.nostalgianerd.com/the-commodore-64 Content Sources: Images either owned by myself, public domain or sourced from https://www.wikipedia.org/ under a CC licence and http://pixabay.com/p-28741/?no_redirect ZZap magazine excerpts, obtained with ...
Neil takes a trip back to his childhood to talk about the Commodore 64. A Guinness world Record holding machine and one of the early kings in the world of the P.C
This is a commercial for the Commodore 64 home computer, aired in 1985 on Australian television.
To mark the 30th Anniversary of the Commodore 64, The Big Daddy D takes a look back over the best games of the trusty old 8-bit machine that got him into computer and video games in the first place. With over a thousand games to choose from through, there is no way that this could be whittled down to a mere top ten. So this will be a top 15 instead! Also now on Twitter and Facebook! Follow and "Like" these pages for further updates! ● Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/TheBigDaddyD1 ● Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/TheBigDaddyDReviews
Today's video is a lil' special...we're looking at the biggest British computer war of the 1980's! In one corner, the all-conquering Commodore 64, and in the other the ZX Spectrum, the hometown hero defending this green and pleasant land. We'll be looking at the culture, the differences between Sir Clive and Jack Tramiel, the differences between the two machines, how everything panned out over the decade...oh, and obviously an absolute ton of games. Enjoy! Follow me on Twitter!: http://www.twitter.com/KimxxxJustice Support my Patreon!: http://www.patreon.com/KimbleJustice Like me on Facebook!: http://www.facebook.com/TheMegaWeeviews
Un personale piccolo tributo al Commodore 64 per il suo trentesimo anniversario (immesso sul mercato nell'agosto del 1982, America del Nord). Il video consta di brevi filmati relativi a 30 giochi, realizzati negli anni, per questo home computer (da qui il titolo: "30 giochi per 30 anni") - durata complessiva 25'44'': 1) Jupiter Lander (Commodore - HAL Laboratory - 1982) 2) Choplifter (Broderbund Software - 1982) 3) HunchBack (Ocean Software - Century Electronics - 1983) 4) Moon Patrol (AtariSoft - Irem Corp. - 1983) 5) Burnin Rubber (Colosoftware - Nihon Bussan Co. - 1983) 6) BC's Quest fot Tires (Software Projects - Sydney Development Corp. - 1984) 7) Pitstop II (U.S. Gold - Epix Inc. - 1984) 8) Ghostbusters (Activision Inc. - 1984) 9) Commando (Elite Systems - Capcom Co. - 1985) 10) Mont...
Kevin Casteels (aka Alterus) reviews in detail the new Commodore 64 Reloaded motherboard by Individual Computers. He looks at the hardware and how it compares to the original C64, and also takes an in depth look at the C64 Reloaded's software compatibles and incompatibilities. Kevin also looks at the new Kickstarter C64C housings and keyboard supports from Shapeways. Enjoy! (EDIT: In this review it is reported that the MSSIAH cartridge does not work with the C64 Reloaded motherboard. Thanks to Jens Schoenfeld at Individual Computers a (partial, still not 100%) work around has been found: 1. switch off the computer, install the cartridge 2. press and hold the userport reset switch (you can make one or use a userport cart that has one) 3. switch on the computer 4. release the userpor...
a wiec etap ostatni czyli: Rozpakowywanie wszystkiego,podłączanie,uruchamianie gier, nie było łatwo ale w końcu się udało :) na początku rozpakowywanie wszystkiego oraz podłączanie 16:06 - próba uruchamiania gry z magnetofonu 24:46 - próba uruchamiania gry ze stacji
In the 2nd part of our look at Jack Tramiel, two more brilliant engineers help to create the Commodore 64, the company's most successful computer. Commodore and Texas Instruments engage in a brutal and bloody price war. Jack ends up getting on the wrong side of Irving Gould for the last time...and we have a bit of a look at the big American crash - the games had already happened, and now it was the computer's turn. Enjoy! Follow me on Twitter!: http://www.twitter.com/KimxxxJustice Support my Patreon!: http://www.patreon.com/KimbleJustice Like me on Facebook!: http://www.facebook.com/TheMegaWeeviews
Fast nie erhört, fast umgebracht
Längst tot gesagt und ausgelacht
Doch nur mit dir werd ich verrückt
wenn ich deine Taste drück
So schließ ich mein Herz an dich an
Verschmelze mit dir irgendwann
Ich fühl mit dir und schalt dich ein
Dann werden wir elektrisch sein
Du und ich
Wir funktionieren für alle Zeit
Komm schalt mich an
Und dann
Programmieren wir unsre Welt
Und mehr als 8 Bit brauch ich nicht
Doch genau darum ... ich dich
Und deine Stimme klingt zu mir
So spiele ich ein Spiel mit dir
Du und ich
Wir funktionoeren für alle Zeit
Komm schalt mich an
Und dann
Programmieren wir unsre Welt
Du erweiterst meinen Horizont
Von dem ein schnelles Flugzeug kommt
Komm beam mich ganz weit weg von ihr
Und zeug einen neuen Mensch mit mir
Du und ich
Wir funktionieren für alle Zeit
Komm schalt mich an
Und dann
Programmieren wir unsre Welt
Du und ich
Wir funktionieren für alle Zeit
Komm spiel mit mir
Und dann
Programmieren wir unsre Welt