
[Leaflet] Thinking about Anarchism: What is Anarchism? – John Flood

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[Leaflet] Thinking about Anarchism: What is Anarchism? - John FloodAuthor: John Flood | File size: 111 KB

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Many people still associate anarchism with violence, destruction, and chaos. This concept of anarchism is reinforced by the corporate media, and those that have an interest in discrediting the anarchist movement. Needless to say this idea of anarchism bears no correlation with the society we are trying to create, or our struggle to achieve it.

From Workers Solidarity, the magazine of the Irish Workers Solidarity Movement

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[Leaflet] Thinking about Anarchism: Anarcha-Feminism

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[Leaflet] Thinking about Anarchism: Anarcha-Feminism - Deirdre HoganAuthor: Deirdre Hogan | File size: 158 KB

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An important principle of anarchism and one that more than any other differentiates it from other types of socialism is its emphasis on freedom and non-hierarchical social relations.

Central to anarchism is the rejection of any power hierarchy between men and women. Anarchists believe that the liberty of one is based on the liberty of all and so there can be no true anarchist society without an end to all existing structures of domination and exploitation, including naturally the oppression of women. As anarchists we believe that the means determines the end. This means that we do not wait for some future revolution to tackle the problems of sexism but instead see that it is important to struggle against it in the here and now. As anarchists we strive to ensure that both our own organisations and also those campaigns we are involved in are free from sexism and power-hierarchies and that all members have equal decision-making power.

From: Workers Solidarity #79, paper of the Workers’ Solidarity Movement

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