
AgitProp #15 – Privilege Theory: The Politics of Defeat

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AgitProp #15 - Privilege Theory: The Politics of DefeatAuthor: Unknown | File size: 516 KB

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I’ve been blissfully ignorant of these ideas of privilege and the concept of checking it until very recently. It came across my radar after the fall out of a twitter row. A set of ideas were put forward, and argument was made. The response to this argument boiled down to the person was writing it from a perspective of “white male privilege”. The issues were side stepped.

I assumed that this was an abuse of a theory that I didn’t understand, that privilege theory wasn’t simply a handy tool to dismiss an argument because you don’t like the person making it. I asked on twitter for some links so I could find out what this theory was really about. The most interesting and by interesting I mean the most infuriating was A Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis of Privilege Theory – from the Women’s Caucus.

Found at the SabCat site

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The God Pestilence

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The God Pestilence by Johann MostAuthor: Johann Most  |  File size: 684 KB

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We live in a time when the alliance of religion and the state, assisted by technology and big business, promises to create an all-encompassing world order in which citizens will have everything except freedom. Laws abound, most of them proclaiming “public interest” – i.e., your interest, – as their reason for being. Religious fanatics, who want their notion of right and wrong, based on the crazy ravings in the Bible, to control the lives and conduct of everybody else, constantly put forward decrees on what thou shalt or shalt not do.

2nd Zabalaza Books Edition | November, 2014

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