A New World

AgitProp #16 – Back to the Future: Imagining the Future in a Post-Revolutionary World

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AgitProp #16 - Back to the Future: Imagining the Future in a Post-Revolutionary WorldAuthor: Unknown | File size: 356 KB

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Much of our time as revolutionaries is spent on the routine of organising in the here and now – building a campaign, organising for a demonstration, planning for a trade union meeting…. Too often we don’t manage to take time to step back from the here and now and imagine or envisage what it’s all about. But without dreaming, without imagining a future the daily humdrum can seem dispiriting.

To really build for a new society, we need to try to paint a picture of what that society might look like. And we need to be able to suspend reality and dream of the sort of future that might be out there. This article is the first of what we hope will be a series which will attempt to look into a post-revolutionary future and imagine what such a society might look like.

Read and dream….

This article is from Issue 3 of the Irish Anarchist Review – published May 2011

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