AgitProp Series

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agitprop logoZabalaza Books’ AgitProp Series is a series of Black and White short text pamphlets designed to be given out free of charge or for a small donation. The AgitProp Series is made up of short clear texts on primary issues of interest to anarchists.

  1. Anarchism, Class Struggle and Political Organisation
  2. Anarchist Decision Making & Organisational Form
  3. Do Anarchists Reject “Class Conflict” and “Collective Struggle”?
  4. Racism and the Class struggle
  5. Revolutionary Trade Unionism – the key to Revolution [new slightly-revised version]
  6. The Workers’ Committee: An Outline of its Principles and Structure
  7. Building a Revolutionary Movement: Why Anarchist-Communist Organisation
  8. Insurrection and Organisation
  9. Strengthening Anarchism’s Gender Analysis and Transgender Liberation, Class Politics & Anarchism
  10. The Bosses Need Us …We Don’t Need Them: Common Sense Reasons for Worker Self-Management
  11. How to Fire Your Boss: A Workers Guide to Direct Action
  12. Organising in the Workplace
  13. Libertarian Communism: An Introduction
  14. Identity Politics, Class and Autonomous Organising
  15. Privilege Theory: The Politics of Defeat
  16. Back to the Future: Imagining the Future in a Post-Revolutionary World
  17. Some Ideas for Community Action
  18. Feminist Class Struggle
  19. Anarchism and Crime
  20. The Philosophy of Atheism

One thought on “AgitProp Series

    My Bookmarx 05/23/2012 « بهدوء said:
    May 23, 2012 at 12:34 am

    […] AgitProp Series « […]

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