Completion of the Training of the Second Group on Crash Investigation (I)

On Thursday 1 December 2016 a graduation ceremony was held at the Police Officers’ Club for 27 candidates, nominated by General Department of Traffic, who during the period 6 November to 1 December 2016, completed basic course on crash investigation I.  This is the second group to participate in this course...

UNDP Launched the Arab Human Development Report 2016

On 29th of November, the United Nations Development Programme launched the Arab Human Development Report 2016: Youth and the prospects of human development in a changing reality. The launch brought together around 150 participants including youth; civil society and women’s organizations; government representatives; parliamentarians; and the private sector, from across the Arab region. Arab states can achieve a huge leap in development and ensure durable stability if they put the empowerment of their youth at the top of their urgent priorities and harness young people’s energy to advance development processes. Based on this conclusion, the Arab Human Development Report (AHDR): Youth and the Prospects of Human Development in a Changing Reality, calls on Arab states to adopt a new development model that focuses on enhancing young people’s capabilities, unleashing their energy and expanding opportunities available to them, allowing them more freedom to shape their futures, and contribute to development in their societies and countries. The AHDR 2016 examines challenges and opportunities facing youth in the region, especially since the transformative changes that had swept across many Arab countries in 2011. The report provides an evidenced-based overview on youth in the region. It also seeks to stimulate a broad debate between key stakeholders and the youth themselves on the future of development in the Arab States region and best means of involving youth in shaping that future. The formal launch session featured: Philippe Lazzarini, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative in Lebanon Sophie de Caen, UNDP Deputy Assistant Administrator, Acting Regional Director - Regional Bureau for Arab States Ahmad AlHendawi, United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth Dr. Fadlo R. Khuri MD, President, The American University of Beirut (AUB) The launch concluded with a special session, which was a recorded episode of the Deutsche Welle Arabic programme Shabab Talk hosted by anchor Jaafar Abdel Karim. Follow the conversation on #YouthAHDR @UNDPArabic @UNDPArabStates

Modern Public Relations in Public Institutions Training Workshop

Training workshop has been organized on 29th and 30th of November, the workshop which was about the "Modern Public Relations in Public Institutions" held at the premises of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development GSSCPD, the main objective of the workshop is to support the...

Delivering on Capacity Development Objectives: Completion of the First Training Course on Crash Investigation (I)

On Thursday 3rd of November, senior representatives of Ministry of Interior (MOI), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and General Secretariat for Supreme Council for Training and Development (GSSCPD) participated in the graduation ceremony to mark the successful completion of the first course of the...

The United Nations Country Team Celebrates United Nations Day 2016 under the theme " National Implementation of Agenda 2030"

The United Nations Country Team celebrated the 71st anniversary of the coming into effect of the UN Charter, which has provided the foundation of the work of the United Nations since its establishment in 1945. This year's celebration focused on The UN Country Team efforts in working with different national stakeholders to support national implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals through the provision of technical assistance, advocacy and public awareness.

United Nations and the GSSCPD convenes roundtable discussion on the private sector and the SDGs

On 20 October, the United Nations and the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development convened a roundtable discussion at the Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Building United Nations House on the role of the private sector as a partner in the implementation of the 2030...

Launch of traffic accident investigation Training Programme for MOI Police Officers

Kuwait City, KUWAIT: Under the project, “Implementation of Comprehensive and Long Term Traffic and Transport Sector Strategy for Kuwait,” UNDP, in partnership with the Ministry of Interior (MOI) and General Secretariat for Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD) launched on Sunday 9 October 2016 a...

برنامج القيادات الشابة التابع لبرنامج الامم المتحدة الانمائي (2):"الابتكار في تحقيق الاهداف الانمائية المستدامة"

إن الهدف من المشاركة في برنامج القيادات الشابة هو التعرف على أهداف التنمية المستدامة والدور الذي يمكن للشابات والشباب لعبه للمساهمة في تحقيقها، إلى جانب التعرف على أدوات الابتكار المجتمعي التي يمكن استغلالها لمواجهة التحديات التي تهمهم.

UNDP sign the Project “Developing and Piloting of a National Performance Management Framework” with State Audit Bureau and the GS-SCPD

Kuwait City, KUWAIT - United Nations Development Programme signed on Monday morning the contract to support the Kuwaiti State Audit Bureau, "The Development and piloting of a National Performance Management Framework Project" in collaboration with the international consultant Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) to...

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon visits Kuwait

Kuwait City, KUWAIT, - The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made a brief visit to the State of Kuwait on Sunday to meet with His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and First Deputy Prime Minister and...

Urban Development and Human Resilience

On June 16th 2016, on the sidelines of The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 9th Conference, the UN Permanent Mission of the State of Kuwait, jointly with the Public Authority of the Disabled in Kuwait (PADA), organized a mini conference under the title The Urban Development and Human...

Labor Day 2016 Celebration in Kuwait

On 9 May, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the State of Kuwait, Ms. Zineb Touimi-Bejelloun, welcomed national partners and guests to an event at Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah Building United Nations House to celebrate International Labour Day and highlight the achievements to date of the joint...

Appointment of UNDP Resident Representative Fatma Samoura as Secretary General of FIFA

Ms.  Fatma Samoura, current UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Nigeria, has been appointed as Secretary General of FIFA. ( Fédération Internationale de Football Association - International Federation of Association Football), based in Zurich, Switzerland. The...

Helen Clark: Statement on International Women’s Day 2016

This International Women’s Day, the world stands well positioned to move forward on gender equality. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the UN General Assembly last year, asserts that gender equality is not only as a human right, but also a necessary foundation for a peaceful and inclusive...

UNDP supports event held at the University of KWSRC, on the occasion of Inernational women day 2016

On 8 March, Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, UNDP Kuwait Deputy Resident Representative, participated in a public awareness event organized by the Women’s Studies and Research Centre of the University of Kuwait to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was organized to highlight the “He for She” global campaign...

UNDP Kuwait and the GSSCPD host the first national symposium on the UNDP Kuwait JPO Programme

On 7 February, under the auspices of Her Excellency Mrs. Hind Subeah Al-Subeah, Minister of State for Planning and Development and Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, UNDP Kuwait and the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD) organized a symposium for national...

United Nations in Kuwait conducts the Arab regional launch of the UNFPA 2015 State of World Population Report “Shelter from the Storm” at the API in partnership with the GSSCPD

On 20 January 2016, the United Nations Resident Coordinator Ms. Zineb Touimi-Benjelloun, and the Arab Region Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Mr. Mohamed Adel-Ahad, launched the 2015 UNFPA State of World Population report “Shelter from the Storm: A Transformative Agenda for Women and Girls...

Insaf Campaign Roundtable discussion

UNDP Kuwait in its efforts to empower Kuwaiti women and advocate for their legal rights, the Head of Gender and Social Development Programme, Sahar Shawa, participated in the “Insaf Campaign” roundtable discussion on Tuesday 19th January 2016 organized by the Women Cultural and Social Society. The discussion was...

UNDP Kuwait GBV Interventions

In commemoration of the 16 days of activism on ending violence against women, as part of the United Nations Campaign “Unite to end violence against women” and in the efforts to raise public awareness to end this human rights violation that affects at least 1 in 3 women and girls worldwide, Sahar Shawa, Head of...

HE Mrs Hind Subeah al-Subeah and RCRR host a gathering of leading Kuwaiti women to commemorate International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Wednesday 25 November marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, as decreed by the United Nations General Assembly. On this occasion, H.E. Mrs. Hind Subeah Al-Subeah, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour and Minister of State for Planning and Development and Ms. Zineb...

UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative to the State of Kuwait present her letter of credence

Kuwait, November 2, 2015. Kuwait's new UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Ms. Zineb Touimi-Benjelloun met His Excellency Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs on Monday 2 November 2015 to submit her letter of credence. The...

UNDP Support the Climate Change COP21

In preparation for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 21) taking place in Paris on 30 November 2015–11 December 2015, UNDP has been joining efforts with several advocacy activities with the French Embassy in Kuwait. The first activity under the theme of “Climate Talks” was hosted by...

UNDP Celebrates World Statistics Day

On 20 October 2015, UNDP Resident Representative a.i., Ms.  Al-Khatib, participated in an event organized by the Central Statistical Bureau of the State of Kuwait to mark World Statistics Day, under the theme “Better Data, Better Lives” In her speech Mrs. Mona Al-Da’as, Assistant Under-Secretary for Statistics,...

United Nations celebrates the first anniversary of the Global Humanitarian Leadership Award presented to His Highness the Amir by the UN Secretary-General

On 9 September, the United Nations celebrated the first anniversary of the Global Humanitarian Leadership Award presented to His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait, on 9 September 2014 by the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon. The United Nations was...

Kuwait "strategic partner to the UN"

NEW YORK, Aug 18 (KUNA) -- A number of officials at the UN praised Kuwait's contributions to the international organization, naming Kuwait as a valuable strategic partner especially within the humanitarian domain. The State of Kuwait is a key strategic partner for the United Nations on humanitarian issues and it is...

Transforming Our World - the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The United Nations has released the finalised text of the draft Declaration “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, which will be agreed and adopted by world leaders during a special summit of the United Nations General Assembly in New York between 25 and 27 September 2015. The...

Financing for Development conference

UNDP Administrator, Ms. Helen Clark, meets with H.E. Mrs. Hind Subeah Al-Subeah, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour and Minister of State for Planning and Development, on the sidelines of the UN Financing for Development Conference, Addis Ababa   On 14 July, the UNDP Administrator, Ms. Helen Clark, met with H.E. Mrs....

Opening Financing for Developing Conference, Secretary-General Urges States to ‘Reboot’ Commitments, Bolster Inclusive Growth

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks, as delivered, at the opening of Third International Conference on Financing for Development, in Addis Ababa today: I thank the Government and people of Ethiopia for their generosity and hospitality in hosting this historic Conference.  I am grateful to the...

A JPO Journey Around the World

  UNDP has released a new video of current and former Junior Professional Officers (JPOs) talking about their experiences working for the UN under this Programme. The video features Kuwaiti JPO Eiman Al-Asad, who works as a Human Resources Analyst at UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Statement of UN leadership on the occasion of World Environment Day 2015: “Seven billion dreams. One planet. Consume with care”.

Waste Not Want Not From Wasted Economy to Wasted Planet: Why Changing Our Consumption Patterns is a Choice We Must Make! An Editorial by Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme   As we sit down to lunch or dinner on this World Environment Day, it is...

UNDP Kuwait celebrates World Environment Day with Kuwait Oil Company

On the occasion of World Environment Day 2015, Kuwait Oil Company held an event at their Ahmadi Headquarters to showcase KOC’s support to the local community through its corporate social responsibility programme in the field of environmental sustainability. The United Nations Development Programme Kuwait Country...