Birdz is an animated television series produced by Nelvana, Silver Lining Entertainment and Clover Lock Productions in association with CBS Television, Sony Wonder and TV-Loonland. The show was first broadcast in 1998 on CBS. Later, it was shown in Scotland in 2001, broadcast on Scottish TV and Grampian TV (now STV North) - now both known as STV. The series was re-broadcast from 2015 as part of the "Weans' World" block on STV Glasgow and STV Edinburgh.
The series debuted in October 1998 for CBS' Saturday Morning lineup.
The show is about a ten-year-old bird named Eddie Storkowitz, who films his everyday life in aspiration of becoming a filmmaker. His family includes his father, Morty, who is a psychiatrist; mother Betty, an artist; older sister Steffy; and baby sister Abby. Several episodes focus on Eddie's class, which includes an owl named Olivia, a robin named Spring, a turkey named Tommy, a woodpecker named Gregory, and a bat named Sleepy, plus teacher Miss Finch and principal Mr. Pip.
You've got style looking so sharp
Rocking hot smile you're gonna go far
Believe in yourself
You don't need to be who you're not
All that you need is all that you've got
Just believe in yourself
You should know what you are
Money can't buy
'Cause you should know
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you, it's all about you
Have fun in all that you do
Listen to your heart, it's always so true
We believe in you
You can't stop, reach for the stars
Time will tell, tell people who you are
We believe in you
You should know what you are
Money can't buy
You should know
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you, it's all about you
If things are spinning around
We'll pick you up when you're down
You don't have to worry my friend
You should know it's all about you
It's not about the people you know
It's not about the seats at the show
It's not about the places you go
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do