Educational Resources

It is possible to change the world but the first step is to understand it. For that a Marxist education is needed.

The FSP is devoted to nurturing working class intellectuals who understand capitalism as a living organism that produces the necessities of life in a specific way and in a specific historical time. Capitalism is not the only way to meet human needs or even the best way. It doesn't rest on freedom but compulsion of a class of people who have no other way to feed and clothe ourselves than to hire out our labor (physical and/or mental). To learn more about this system check out the resources below.

Start Your Own Study Group

The FSP will help you get started with study guides, information about where to purchase literature, sample PR announcements and tips on how to organize a study group in your area. Call us at 206-985-4621 to talk it over.

Study Guides

The FSP publishes study guides on The Communist Manifesto, History of American Trotskyism, and History of American Labor Struggles—1877-1934 to name a few. Click here to see them.

Radical Reading List

Check out our comprehensive list of writings on Marxism and socialist feminism plus selected reading on U.S. labor and world history, biographies, fiction, writings by and about women, people of color, Jews, immigrants and queers. There's an education to be had for free in these books!

Red Letter Press

Red Letter Press publishes books and pamphlets to inform and arm today's activists with the ideas, experiences and history of radical and workingclass women and men, people of color and sexual minorities, and others in the global movement for social change.