WA News

'Claremont Serial Killer': Father of Sarah Spiers posts video after charge

  • Phil Hickey

The father of Sarah Spiers has released a short video on Facebook to let his friends know he and his wife are "comfortable" after police announced they had made an arrest in the Claremont serial killer investigation.

Mr Spiers' daughter Sarah disappeared in Claremont in January 1996. Her body has never been found.

Police made a breakthrough in the long running case on Thursday night andĀ have charged a 48-year-old Kewdale man with the murder of Jane Rimmer in 1996 and Ciara Glennon in 1997.

Both girls disappearedĀ in Claremont.

The man has also been charged with attacking two other women in 1988 and 1995 but as of yet, he has not been charged in connection with Ms Spiers' disappearance.

Don Spiers posted a 33 second video on his Facebook page on Friday morning after police made their arrest.

"I'm just calling to let you know that Carol and I are OK, we're overseas at the moment," he said.

"We're quite comfortable, we've been pre-warned on what was going to happen and the task force are in contact with us on a regular basis giving us updates as to what is happening."

Don Spiers, the father of Sarah Spiers, took to Facebook following developments on Friday. 

Ms Spiers vanished shortly after calling a taxi in Claremont in the early hours of January 27, 1996.

The cab that had accepted the job to collect her pulled up at the intersection of Stirling Highway and Stirling Road but there was nobody in the area.

Sarah Spiers' body has never been found. Photo: Tony McDonough

She was reported missing to the South Perth Police Station soon after.

In a statement released on Friday police stressed their investigations into the disappearance and suspected murder of Ms Spiers was ongoing.