WA News

Elderly man wanted over sex attack on 60-year-old woman in Mandurah

Police are looking for a man in his 70s who is wanted over an indecent assault in broad daylight in Mandurah.

Detectives say he may have been wearing a blonde or red haired wig when he assaulted a 60-year-old woman on Seashells Beach on Sunday December 18.

The woman was walking her dog, between 4pm and 5pm, when she was approached by the man who spoke to her briefly before indecently assaulting her.

After the attack the man walked off towards Stewart Street.

He is described as being in his 70s with fair skin and freckles. He is approximately 177cm tall with a slim, athletic build and with short light blonde/red hair - which was possibly a wig. He was clean shaven.

He was wearing a light beige coloured t-shirt and matching knee-length shorts.


Detectives want to speak to anyone who was on Seashells Beach at the time, particularly a couple who were walking their brown labrador, who came to the victim's aid.

Anyone with information is asked to report the information online at www.crimestopperswa.com.au or call 1800 333 000.

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