— LYT Season Four —

Gone in Sixty Seconds

Recap Video

Season Four

From the HQ

After two exciting Semi-Final Matches we finished up Season Four with a great Final featuring Kelli Anderson and James White with John Gruber providing the play-by-play commentary. In a very tight, split-decison, Kelli has been declared the winner and champion. Congrats. Check out our season recap video. Layer Tennis only happens because of our friends at Adobe Creative Cloud

Latest Matches

A Season in the Books

Season 4 of live Layer Tennis kicked off Friday, September 12th with an Around the World Exhibition in which ten designers passed a file around the globe and here we are 14 weeks later at the Championship Match. Thanks to everyone who watched, played and commented during the season, and especially to Heidi and the crew at Adobe Creative Cloud for making it all possible.

Check this season and the previous ones in the archives. We hope we’ve helped you not get any work done of Friday afternoons and we hope we’ll be back for Season 5. Stay tuned.

What’s All This Then?

Two competitors swap a file back and forth in real-time, adding to and embellishing the work. Each artist gets fifteen minutes to complete a “volley” and then we post that to the site live. A third participant, a writer, provides play-by-play commentary on the action as it happens.

The players may be designers, animators, illustrators or anything else, and they can do pretty much as they like. There are no real rules, the matches are generally competitive and collaborative. Things progress volley by volley.

A match lasts for ten volleys and when it’s complete, everybody sounds off and together we declare a winner. To see LYT in action, get lost in the archive of past matches.