Four Things You Can Do For Your Career Now (To Get Ahead In 2017)

Dust off the hangover and harness those proactive thoughts.

23/12/2016 11:29 AM AEDT | Updated 6 hours ago
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New year, new (professional) you.

It's likely your post-Christmas plans largely involve scoffing leftover ham and clinking glasses which is obviously brilliant, but come January, after shaking off the glitter of the New Year, many of us feel a sudden urge to be proactive.

This is a good thing! But it can often feel overwhelming and hard to figure out where to start. For many of us, it's our career that takes the front seat at the beginning of the year. A rested brain and fresh perspective is a powerful thing when harnessed the right way.

Ahead, we round up four simple things you can be doing to get ahead in your career over the break.

1. Get inspired

When was the last time you felt excited about your work? If it took you a few minutes to remember, chances are you've landed in a professional rut. Aside from making your day-to-day very unfun, it's also detrimental for your future career prospects. Being a well-rounded person (read: someone who isn't a sad, tired slave to their email) is extremely valuable -- read a book, travel or have a conversation with a stranger -- anything to reinvigorate that creativity.

2. Fine-tune your network

Make a list of the people in your industry you want to connect with. Whether you're happy in your current role, or looking for a change, you can only gain from widening your network. Jump on LinkedIn and make some introductions. While you're at it (and have the spare time) refine your profile. More and more recruiters are using LinkedIn to scout potential employees so you want to ensure yours is up to date.

3. Make a list

The all-important exercise of goal setting can sometimes feel like a bit of a crock. Which is why we should talk about goals in terms of a specific, achievable list. It doesn't have to be a huge thing, just a handful of simple steps that will ultimately bring you closer to where you want to be. Here, seven tips to making and sticking to a 'list.'

4. Show off

OK, so the concept of brand building might make cringe but here's the thing: it's important. Your professional image is the thing that makes you you in a sea of other people, which means it's worth investing some time into what that image looks like. From showing off your work to tweaking some functions on LinkedIn, there's a bunch of things you can do today that's going to enhance your career in future.

You got this.

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