
DB settles US dark pool cases

This marks the third joint case against a major bank's dark pool trading platform filed this year by the top US ...

Deutsche Bank will pay more than $US40 million to settle charges that the bank misled clients about how it routed orders.

$1m in super is enough, say SMSFs

On average, people with self-managed super funds think $1 million will be enough to fund their retirement.

People managing their own superannuation fund typically believe $1 million will be enough to pay for their retirement, a survey has found.

ANZ, Macquarie's cartel attempt 'very serious'

ANZ has been ordered to pay $9m for attempted cartel conduct.

The Federal Court has ordered fines of $9 million for ANZ Bank and $6 million for Macquarie Group, over "very serious" attempts by traders to rig a key benchmark rate in Malaysia's foreign exchange markets.

Foxes in charge of the hen house

The national financial planning register is worse than useless.

It was supposed to be the Coalition government’s panacea for the crisis in confidence plaguing the financial planning industry, but almost two years after it was launched, it’s a dud.

IMF chief Christine Lagarde found guilty of negligence

IMF chief Christine Lagarde.

Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, was found guilty on Monday of criminal charges linked to the misuse of public funds during her time as France's finance minister, a verdict that could force her out of her post.

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