
Elizabeth Farrelly

Elizabeth Farrelly is a Sydney-based columnist and author who holds a PhD in architecture and several international writing awards. A former editor and Sydney City Councilor, she is also Associate Professor (Practice) at the Australian Graduate School of Urbanism at UNSW. Her books include 'Glenn Murcutt: Three Houses’, 'Blubberland; the dangers of happiness’ and ‘Caro Was Here’, crime fiction for children (2014).

 Mike Baird's  government is erasing local democracy, bulldozing communities for cars and threatening lawful protest ...

There's never been a better time to protest in the streets

I'm a bit in love with Michael Agzarian. You remember Michael, the agit-prop genius who sent the unforgettable "HOPELESS" Abbott and "FIZZA" Turnbull images to flower in our streets like snowfield poppies just when we needed them most. (There's also CLUELESS Hockey and HEARTLESS Brandis. If these images are not in your mental bouquet, google them. Agza-prop is fast becoming a genre).