Blind baker enjoys the sweet smell of success

Owner and blind baker of Toowoomba Cookies, Rhys Prictor, who commenced his creative cookie business in January 2016, is celebrating a year of “C-ing,” such as creating, collaborating, co-working and customising.

Rhys Prictor, who is legally blind, praised his community for their contributions in supporting his business, as well as Guide Dogs Queensland.

“I’d like to thank all those Toowoomba residents who are buying my cookies and also making donations,” Mr Prictor said.

“Some of you are very generous and the donations are going to Guide Dogs Queensland, because they can help other people like me.”

At the beginning of the year, Toowoomba Cookies was established by Mr Prictor, with the help of his wife Elizabeth who shared a vision for being self-employed.


Several months later the business had grown to accommodate a wage from the sales, and also gained recognition through various media outlets.

By August 2016, Toowoomba Cookies had expanded to cafe counters and customer lounges, with many local businesses getting behind Mr Prictor’s business venture.

Toowoomba Cookies recently won the 2016 Heritage Bank Business Excellence Award for best hospitality catering company, a high honour in such a short space of time.

Rhys’s wife Elizabeth said they were thrilled with the recognition.

“[Rhys] never expected to win an award, but it was a great honour,” Elizabeth said.

Rhys and Elizabeth have high aspirations for the new year, with the introduction of “Cookie Cafe Plans,” and to create a group dedicated in helping those who are blind or vision-impaired to start a business of their own.

If you would like to try some of Toowoomba’s very own delicious cookies, or collaborate with Rhys in his future endeavours check out their Facebook page.

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