
Measles case confirmed in north Brisbane

An adult woman has been diagnosed with measles in Brisbane's north, Metro North Public Health Unit confirmed.

The woman from Camp Mountain visited a number of businesses while she was unknowingly infectious.

She went to the Samford IGA, Samford Caltex and Samford Patisserie on December 15-16, Spokes Cafe on December 17, Aspley Medical Centre on December 21 and The Prince Charles Hospital emergency department on December 22.

The public health unit is now working with the businesses and healthcare centres the woman visited, Public Health physician Dr Mekala Srirajalingam said.

"Measles is one of the most infectious of all communicable diseases and is spread by tiny droplets through coughing and sneezing," Dr Srirajalingam said.

"Symptoms usually start around 10 days after contact, but can occur between seven and 21 days after contact with an infectious person."

Initial symptoms include a fever, runny nose, red eyes, a runny nose and lethargy, followed a few days later by a red blotchy rash.

Dr Srirajalingam said anyone who developed measles-like symptoms in the next one to two weeks should stay home and contact their GP.