Socialist Party

 |  Mobile  |  5 December 2016 | 


Time to fight low pay

30 November Worst decade for living standards since 1920s: Years of pay freezes, rises in living costs and benefit changes mean family incomes are growing more slowly now than during the immediate post-2008 crash. More...

Socialism 2016 Saturday Rally

Socialism 2016 Saturday Rally

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30 November 2016

Brexit spin: demand a real workers' exit

Editorial of the Socialist: Tory Chancellor Phillip Hammond's Autumn Statement estimated the cost of the Brexit vote at £59 billion - to come out of the pockets of working-class people. More...

26 November 2016

Fidel Castro dies: Defend gains of Cuba revolution and fight for workers' democracy

Fidel Castro, photo by Agência Brasil, Creative Commons

With the news of the death of Cuban 1959 revolutionary Castro, we post here two articles from the archives of the Socialist Party and CWI More...

23 November 2016

Lessons of the 'N30' 2011 pension strike

The fifth anniversary of the public sector pension strike allows an opportunity to reflect on the most significant and defining trade union struggle of the recent period. More...

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1/12/16 Glasgow

Protest against Glasgow Labour's scab workforce plan to defeat Unison strike  An appeal for solidarity for striking Unison members in Glasgow More...

26/11/16 Huddersfield

Hands off HRI charts way forward  Despite a deluge of torrential rain, over 120 people turned out to our latest Hands off Huddersfield Royal Infirmary meeting More...

26/11/16 Sheffield

Sheffield needs a pay rise  Sheffield is the city region with the highest proportion of people on low incomes. More...

25/11/16 Crossrail

Crossrail day of action  Unite construction rank and file workers are demanding a 2nd tier productivity bonus payment More...

23/11/16 Spain

Students' Union surges forward in historic congress  300 young revolutionaries from 26 cities - along with dozens of trade unionists and working class militants - met in Madrid. More...

22/11/16 Socialist Students

Fight back to save education!  Up to 15,000 students, education workers and trade unionists marched in London on 19 November More...

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The Socialist, weekly newspaper of the Socialist Party

The Socialist newspaper, 30 November 2016, issue 927

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Housing crisis

The fight in Labour

Socialist readers' comments and reviews

The Socialist newspaper, 23 November 2016, issue 926

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The Socialist newspaper, 16 November 2016, issue 925

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The Socialist newspaper, 9 November 2016, issue 924

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The Socialist newspaper, 2 November 2016, issue 923

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Refugee solidarity

Socialist Party feature

The Socialist newspaper, 26 October 2016, issue 922

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The Socialist newspaper, 19 October 2016, issue 921

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The Socialist newspaper, 12 October 2016, issue 920

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Karl Marx Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Communism, grotesque caricature: see Soviet Union. See also What About Russia?


Dialectical materialism

Genuine communism: see Marxism, What is it?

Historical materialism

How would a socialist economy work?

Lenin Lenin: On Marxism

Marxism: What is it?

Militant tendency

Philosophy, Marxism

Russian Revolution

The State and Revolution

Socialism: What is it?

Socialist Countries?

Socialist Party manifesto

Soviet Union

State, The

Terrorism: Marxism Opposes Terrorism

Trotsky Trotsky: On the Russian Revolution

What about Russia?

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