Hug the needy at Christmas, says PM

Hug the needy at Christmas, says PM

IT’S been a tough and gruelling year for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, but he says now is the time to share the love with the less fortunate.

Culleton turns on ‘judge Pauline’

Culleton turns on ‘judge Pauline’

SENATOR Rod Culleton has fired up over Pauline Hanson’s reaction to a Federal Court judge who declared him bankrupt today in dramatic scenes.

Abbott told to take a holiday

Abbott told to take a holiday

AFTER Tony Abbott blamed Malcolm Turnbull for not keeping the Liberal party together, a Howard government minister told him to take a holiday.

Government warned over ‘easy fix’

Government warned over ‘easy fix’

WITHOUT a curious accounting tweak, the Budget would not be returning to surplus for another ten years.

Turnbull’s Coalition under threat

Turnbull’s Coalition under threat

THE Coalition is facing further destabilisation as controversial MPs Cory Bernardi and George Christensen have indicated they may leave.

Woollahra faces merger after court loss

Woollahra faces merger after court loss

WOOLLAHRA Council has spent nearly $800,000 in ratepayer cash fighting a merger and might spend more trying to overturn today’s second knock-back.

Pauline Hanson’s big power grab

Pauline Hanson’s big power grab

PAULINE Hanson surprised voters with her Senate win this year, but the One Nation leader is set to grow even more powerful.

Trust in government at 50-year low

Trust in government at 50-year low

THE frustration Aussies feel with politics has been well-documented over the past few years, but a new study shows just how dire the situation is becoming.

Sco-Mo’s ‘zombie’ savings plan panned

Sco-Mo’s ‘zombie’ savings plan panned

TREASURER Scott Morrison faces a battle to lock in savings measures needed to secure a surplus in 2021, with his current plan described as “too narrow”.

Support surges for Australian republic

Support surges for Australian republic

THE results from the latest poll into an Australian republic has revealed a record number of us want it.

Turnbull: Budget is a ‘moral issue’

Turnbull: Budget is a ‘moral issue’

MALCOLM Turnbull has issued an emotional challenge to Labor and other MPs to pass his budget measures amid pessimism about its path to surplus.

Key workers forced to sleep in cars

Key workers forced to sleep in cars

ESSENTIAL workers like police, nurses and teachers are increasingly unable to afford to live near work with some shift workers forced to couch surf or sleep in their car to cope.

Sales nails Morrison’s budget problem

Sales nails Morrison’s budget problem

IF SCOTT Morrison thought he would escape a Leigh Sales grilling on 7.30 last night, he was sadly mistaken. Instead he copped a roasting.

One Nation candidate may go it alone

One Nation candidate may go it alone

UPDATE: The former One Nation candidate who quit less than 48 hours after his candidacy was officially announced is considering running as an independent at the state election.

Illegal election pamphlet case adjourned

Illegal election pamphlet case adjourned

EAST HILLS state independent MP Glenn Brookes has given evidence at the trial of his former campaign manager and ex-Bankstown councillor Jim Daniel before the case was adjourned until March 2017.

Culleton rejects court, One Nation claims

Culleton rejects court, One Nation claims

SENATOR Rod Culleton has stormed out of a court hearing and refuted Pauline Hanson’s claims he demanded One Nation support his legal fight.

What will a credit downgrade mean?

What will a credit downgrade mean?

AUSTRALIA now looks certain to lose its prized triple-A credit rating following the latest budget blowout. Here’s what that will mean for you.

Yes, Sydney is ‘abysmally lame’

Yes, Sydney is ‘abysmally lame’

A NEW ad was supposed to attract people to Sydney but it’s more likely to drive everyone to its cooler cousin, Melbourne, instead.

Palmer: ‘Don’t go into politics’

Palmer: ‘Don’t go into politics’

CLIVE Palmer has revealed his thoughts about running for politics in Australia, and why he’d never do it again.

‘He does not have the guts to ring me’

‘He does not have the guts to ring me’

PAULINE Hanson says she’s glad to see the back of Senator Rod Culleton, describing him as “ego-driven”, “demanding” and “over-the-top”.

Shorten keen for Australian republic

Shorten keen for Australian republic

BILL Shorten has said Malcolm Turnbull has put an Australian republic in the too-hard basket but has offered to work with him to make it a reality.

Jamie Briggs has a new role

Jamie Briggs has a new role

JAMIE Briggs, who resigned from the Turnbull ministry after a complaint about his behaviour in a Hong Kong bar, has a new role.

Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten pal it up

Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten pal it up

ONCE bitter enemies, Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten have shown a unity they never displayed back home, speaking as one over a relaxed lunch.

The odd Aussie MP running group

The odd Aussie MP running group

YOU wouldn’t expect to see them hitting the pavement but federal MPs from both sides of parliament have come together in Jerusalem.

Pauline’s plan to take Queensland

Pauline’s plan to take Queensland

HER party’s popularity has hit double figures in Queensland, but the Federal Government insists it isn’t worried by Pauline Hanson or One Nation’s bid to take the Sunshine State.

Minister attacks fat jibes

Minister attacks fat jibes

DEFENCE Minister Marise Payne has fired up at rumours she’d had a nervous breakdown and was scared to go on television because she was too fat.

Dutton ‘wrong on refugees’: court

Dutton ‘wrong on refugees’: court

IMMIGRATION Minister Peter Dutton took too long in deciding citizenship applications of two former Afghan refugees, a Federal Court ruling has found.

Housing inquiry comes up empty

Housing inquiry comes up empty

TOO bad if you were hoping the inquiry on housing affordability would come up with some answers. After almost two years and a 55-page report, no recommendations were made.

Can you answer these questions?

Can you answer these questions?

AUSTRALIAN school kids are struggling to answer simple maths questions like this. But since you’re an adult, surely you’re up to the task.

Kindy funding could be under threat

Kindy funding could be under threat

FEDERAL funding for kindergarten hours could be cut as part of an overhaul of education finances, state education ministers have warned.

Most pollies want an Aussie republic

Most pollies want an Aussie republic

NEW numbers show a majority of parliamentarians support the push for Australia to become a republic. But how would you vote?

Aussie MP endorses Punisher’s extreme tactics

Aussie MP endorses Punisher’s extreme tactics

A COALITION MP has thrown his support behind the Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s drug war calling for a round up of Aussie drug dealers.

Coalition MP hails brutal drugs war

Coalition MP hails brutal drugs war

A CONTROVERSIAL MP has called on Australia to follow the Philippines’ example of rounding up and executing criminals in a war on drugs.

8600 Aussie jobs lost every month

8600 Aussie jobs lost every month

EMPLOYMENT minister Michaelia Cash says today’s employment figures are actually very positive, despite the jobless rate rising to 5.7 per cent in November.

Aussies must ‘rise up’ to defend Christmas

Aussies must ‘rise up’ to defend Christmas

IMMIGRATION Minister Peter Dutton has called on Australians to defend Christmas traditions after hearing a school had stopped end-of-year carols.

‘The most serious corruption’

‘The most serious corruption’

FORMER NSW Labor Minister Eddie Obeid will appeal a five year jail term. But Premier Mike Baird intends to deliver the one-time pollie another blow.

AAA call hinges on budget update

AAA call hinges on budget update

CREDIT rating agencies issued a warning months ago about our economy, and now Australia’s AAA rating could be gone by Christmas.

NBN cost blowout to impact budget

NBN cost blowout to impact budget

NEW analysis shows the National Broadband Network’s toll on the budget bottom line could run into the billions over the next decade.

Brandis appoints new solicitor-general

Brandis appoints new solicitor-general

ATTORNEY-General George Brandis has appointed a top silk to take Justin Gleeson’s old job following his resignation over a legal stoush.

Jessica Rudd slams Tony Abbott

Jessica Rudd slams Tony Abbott

KEVIN Rudd’s daughter Jessica has joined a chorus of Australians firing back at Tony Abbott for suggesting welfare recipients might be suffering “a bit of depression”.

Ministers clash over energy policy

Ministers clash over energy policy

JOSH Frydenberg has taken a swipe at Jay Weatherill, saying a lecture from the SA Premier on energy was like being taught how to talk by Marcel Marceau.

Concerns over bottlos staying open later

Concerns over bottlos staying open later

PEOPLE in NSW will be able to buy alcohol from bottle shops after 10pm from Friday, but health experts say it could lead to trouble.

‘Democracy sausage’ voted word of 2016

‘Democracy sausage’ voted word of 2016

‘Democracy sausage’ has been named as the word of the year, beating out some other favourites that rocketed to popularity in 2016.

Bishop quashes reshuffle talk

Bishop quashes reshuffle talk

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Julie Bishop has brushed off rumours of a new portfolio amid talk about a wider cabinet reshuffle.

‘Black’ $100 note could be history

‘Black’ $100 note could be history

THE Turnbull government wants to take the $100 note out of circulation — but a poll of readers shows strong support for our largest banknote.

Parties fight for the battler vote

Parties fight for the battler vote

PAULINE Hanson is working to make One Nation stronger next year but the Turnbull Government has plans of its own to win over the disaffected voter.

Bishop: US to accept refugee deal

Bishop: US to accept refugee deal

JULIE Bishop has said the Government expects Donald Trump to back Australia’s refugee deal as reports of “secret” talks surfaced.

Hanson’s beef with Andrew O’Keefe

Hanson’s beef with Andrew O’Keefe

PAULINE Hanson has taken aim at Weekend Sunrise co-host Andrew O’Keefe, claiming she won’t go on any of his shows and he is “unwatchable”.

Palmer explains huge weight loss

Palmer explains huge weight loss

CLIVE Palmer has been larger than life but the mining magnate and former pollie is showing off a slimmed down figure.

‘Scumbag’ dole bludgers lashed

‘Scumbag’ dole bludgers lashed

A RECRUITER says she’s heard every excuse in the book and some people don’t have jobs because they don’t want them.

Shorten takes secret overseas trip

Shorten takes secret overseas trip

THE Federal Opposition Leader has made a surprise pre-Christmas visit to lift the spirits of these very important Australians.

Turnbull pokes his chin out again

Turnbull pokes his chin out again

THE Prime Minister’s speech on whether Australia should become a republic is being seen as yet another crucial test of his leadership.

Scott Morrison put on notice

Scott Morrison put on notice

CREDIT ratings agencies have warned Treasurer Scott Morrison they won’t accept unrealistic forecasts in next week’s budget update.

PM warned over republic talk

PM warned over republic talk

MALCOLM Turnbull is set to address calls for Australia to become a republic but monarchists warn any breakaway talk could cost him votes.

Why ‘dole bludgers’ reject jobs

Why ‘dole bludgers’ reject jobs

IT’S very easy to bash “dole bludgers”, but there’s a reason why 35,000 welfare recipients have turned down work.

Brandis flies into a storm of questions

Brandis flies into a storm of questions

EMBATTLED Attorney-General George Brandis has returned from a week in Europe to a barrage of questions about the Bell Group and his rumoured next job.

Hanson: ‘We’ve been taken for fools’

Hanson: ‘We’ve been taken for fools’

PAULINE Hanson says major political players are “too gutless” to sort out Centrelink’s Islam polygamy scandal and Australians were being “taken for fools”.

Triggs: Race laws should be tighter

Triggs: Race laws should be tighter

HUMAN Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has said Australia’s racial discrimination laws should be “strengthened”, not watered down.

‘Australia has its own little Trump’

‘Australia has its own little Trump’

THE New York Times has launched a blistering attack on one of Australia’s most controversial policies - and singled out our “own little Trump”.

Minister blasted for ‘callous’ comments

Minister blasted for ‘callous’ comments

FINANCE MINISTER Mathias Cormann is under fire for “callous” comments about the economic impact of paid leave for domestic violence victims.

Turnbull faces supersized union

Turnbull faces supersized union

DESPITE its recent industrial relations law wins, the Turnbull Government is facing an even stronger union movement next year.

Cormann rejects recession talk

Cormann rejects recession talk

THE Finance Minister has rejected claims that we are heading for recesion, saying the forecast for a Budget surplus is still standing.

Is Australia headed for recession?

Is Australia headed for recession?

FINANCE Minister Mathias Cormann has rejected the claims after it emerged that the economy saw its first decline since March 2011 in the September quarter.

Labor premiers stall Turnbull’s plans

Labor premiers stall Turnbull’s plans

MALCOLM Turnbull issued a warning to the state premiers, saying without serious reforms Australians’ living standards are at risk.

Higher power bills are ‘inevitable’

Higher power bills are ‘inevitable’

NO ONE wants to pay more for electricity but it looks like we will be facing higher prices no matter what pollies say.

Port Arthur dad’s warning to Turnbull

Port Arthur dad’s warning to Turnbull

WALTER Mikac has given a haunting warning to the PM and premiers over the decision they are due to make today about the controversial Adler shotgun.

Train delays ‘not good enough’

Train delays ‘not good enough’

MORNING train commuters will be refunded the cost of their tickets, after major ­delays left peak hour ­travellers stranded.

Turnbull won’t back burqa ban

Turnbull won’t back burqa ban

MALCOLM Turnbull has said he would not back a burqa ban, despite Pauline Hanson’s vow to fight for one next year after Germany announced its plans.

‘An extra 30 minutes? What a joke’

‘An extra 30 minutes? What a joke’

NSW Premier Mike Baird’s changes to the lockout laws have been blasted as “a joke” that will do nothing to save Sydney’s night life.

Premiers set to fire up over energy

Premiers set to fire up over energy

MALCOLM Turnbull has slapped down Jay Weatherill’s suggestion for a state-based carbon scheme, setting the scene for a fiery COAG meeting tomorrow.

Economic backslide a ’bump in the road’

Economic backslide a ’bump in the road’

AUSTRALIA has just had its worst three months of economic growth in eight years but Malcolm Turnbull said there’s nothing to fear.

Pay calculator: Your salary vs your MP’s

Pay calculator: Your salary vs your MP’s

WHO do you think is working harder, you or the politicians your tax dollars are funding? Wonder no longer. This tool lets you compare salaries.

Why disaster is actually a good thing

Why disaster is actually a good thing

AUSTRALIA posted its worst economic performance since the Global Financial Crisis yesterday, but there are some crucial things the numbers hide.

Bernardi’s wish after carbon tax backflip

Bernardi’s wish after carbon tax backflip

BARNABY Joyce is toeing the Prime Minister’s line that there will be no carbon tax, but controversial Senator Cory Bernardi has another climate change wish.

Culleton declares: ‘I’ve already won’

Culleton declares: ‘I’ve already won’

ONE Nation Senator Rod Culleton has claimed that no matter what happens with his High Court hearing over his eligibility for the Senate, he has already won.

Hanson slams ‘rude’ Waleed

Hanson slams ‘rude’ Waleed

PAULINE Hanson has joined multi-millionaire Dick Smith in criticising The Project host Waleed Aly after a fiery interview last night.

PM forced to clean up his own mess

PM forced to clean up his own mess

A HANDSHAKE with the PM gone wrong resulted in a floor covered in espresso this morning. You have to feel for the bloke who caused it.

Malcolm Turnbull’s humiliating backdown

Malcolm Turnbull’s humiliating backdown

THE backflips from the Turnbull Government just keep racking up. Another of the government’s thought bubbles has officially burst.

One Nation ‘now mainstream’: Costello

One Nation ‘now mainstream’: Costello

FORMER Howard government treasurer Peter Costello has given a scathing appraisal of the government’s performance in Parliament on ABC’s 7.30.

Culleton fires back at Hanson

Culleton fires back at Hanson

ONE Nation senator Rod Culleton has said he expected more from Pauline Hanson, as he remains tight-lipped about his future in the party.

Dick Smith backs Pauline: ‘We agree’

Dick Smith backs Pauline: ‘We agree’

MULTI-millionaire Dick Smith has warned Australia will be “destroyed” if his new political ally Pauline Hanson’s policies aren’t taken seriously.

Freo council’s Aust Day smackdown

Freo council’s Aust Day smackdown

THE Federal Government has banned the City of Fremantle from holding citizenship ceremonies on its alternative Australia Day.

PM backflips on carbon tax

PM backflips on carbon tax

MALCOLM Turnbull has backflipped on his old stance on carbon pricing after facing a backlash from his own party over a climate change review.

Voter support for Turnbull hits new low

Voter support for Turnbull hits new low

VOTER support for Malcolm Turnbull has fallen to its lowest level since he seized power, the latest Newspoll shows.

Council to lobby against rat racing

Council to lobby against rat racing

MOTORISTS dodging tolls on WestConnex could turn residential streets into a “rat run”, but the State Government has no plans to fix the problem until after the project opens to traffic.

Alternative Australia Day event banned

Alternative Australia Day event banned

A LOCAL council has been banned from moving its usual Australia Day citizenship ceremonies to another day after the government intervened.

Abbott slams PM: ‘Hardly a smart move’

Abbott slams PM: ‘Hardly a smart move’

FORMER prime minister Tony Abbott does not support Malcolm Turnbull’s latest decision, saying it’s hardly a smart move.

Gender audits for public sector

Gender audits for public sector

GENDER audits in government and public sector workplaces will be undertaken as the Victorian Government launched its first Gender Equality Strategy.

Protesters to target PM’s coal meeting

Protesters to target PM’s coal meeting

PROTESTERS will rally against a proposed mega coal mine in Queensland as Malcolm Turnbull meets the mining group’s boss in Melbourne today.

Abbott’s ‘green army’ plan faces axe

Abbott’s ‘green army’ plan faces axe

A MAJOR review of Australia’s climate change policies will look at a form of carbon pricing, while Tony Abbott’s ‘green army’ plan is set to be axed.

Losing triple-A rating ‘inevitable’

Losing triple-A rating ‘inevitable’

FORMER Liberal leader John Hewson has dealt the Turnbull government a serious blow, saying “it’s just a matter of timing” as to when Australia loses its triple-A credit rating.

Parliament protesters may be charged

Parliament protesters may be charged

PROTESTERS who shut down Question Time this week and abseiled the face of Parliament House could still be charged, but an expert warns a crackdown will only alienate the public.

One Nation at war with itself

One Nation at war with itself

SENATOR Rod Culleton has signalled a possible split with One Nation after a tiff with Pauline Hanson over the backpacker tax.

New laws keep terrorists in jail

New laws keep terrorists in jail

CONVICTED terrorists will be kept in jail once their sentence expires if they are still considered a threat, under new laws passed last night.

Hanson ‘so angry’ with One Nation senator

Hanson ‘so angry’ with One Nation senator

LOOK out, Rod Culleton. Senator Pauline Hanson has vented her fury at the One Nation senator for crossing the floor over the backpacker tax.

Malcolm Turnbull limps to the finish line

Malcolm Turnbull limps to the finish line

MALCOLM Turnbull really needs a holiday. The PM managed to scrape by with a narrow, last gasp win yesterday, but his year was anything but a success.

‘I don’t think I’ll face Turnbull’

‘I don’t think I’ll face Turnbull’

LABOR leader Bill Shorten says the Coalition will likely ditch Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull before the next election.

Odds Shorten on a new Lib leader

Odds Shorten on a new Lib leader

BILL Shorten has told ABC’S 7.30 the Coalition will likely ditch Malcolm Turnbull before the next election just hours after a feel-good Christmas message to the PM.

Backpacker tax passes the Senate

Backpacker tax passes the Senate

THE 15 per cent backpacker tax has cleared its final hurdle in an 11th hour deal, passing the Senate after the Greens agreed to support the hotly debated bill.

‘I’m speechless, it doesn’t just disappear’

‘I’m speechless, it doesn’t just disappear’

EXCLUSIVE: A MOTHER of a Down syndrome child has hit out at a bureaucrat who refused to answer a crucial question during an inquiry.