Is the US about to collapse?

Is the US about to collapse?

WILL the US collapse the moment Trump takes power in January? There are plenty of indicators the President-elect will change everything.

Cash crackdown ‘a triumph’

Cash crackdown ‘a triumph’

VENEZUELA’S president said Sunday that the sudden decision to scrap the country’s most-used currency bill was an economic triumph.

China’s fury over broken promise

China’s fury over broken promise

CHINA has vowed to take action against the West over a huge promise it claims was made 15 years ago. The US refuses to honour it, and Beijing is furious.

The country that doesn’t exist

The country that doesn’t exist

ONE tiny piece of land is driving a dangerous wedge between China and the US. The consequences could be unthinkable.

Socialist Santa seizes sackful of gifts

Socialist Santa seizes sackful of gifts

WELCOME to Venezuela, where a basket of groceries costs a month’s wages and the government confiscates millions of toys to play Santa at Christmas.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

BUNNINGS boss John Gillam is stepping down after wiping the floor with the competition in his time at the helm of the hardware chain.

Six ways Trump will clash with China

Six ways Trump will clash with China

DONALD Trump’s controversial phone call to the Taiwan president is just one of six issues that could become flashpoints between the US and China.

How Brexit could make life cheaper

How Brexit could make life cheaper

BRITAIN leaving the European Union could mean cheaper Scotch whisky and luxury cars for Australians if a new free trade deal goes ahead.

Vegans outraged by animal fat banknotes

Vegans outraged by animal fat banknotes

THE Bank of England has revealed there is beef tallow in its new five-pound notes, and the Brits are horrified.

President-elect to ramp up China tensions

President-elect to ramp up China tensions

IF YOU thought that Donald Trump’s presidency would lessen the tension in the South China Sea, this new research suggests you’d be WRONG.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

AN ONLINE troll has renamed Donald Trump’s mid-town Manhattan building on Google Maps, and the new moniker isn’t very flattering.

We’re getting Trump so wrong

We’re getting Trump so wrong

THIS insight into Donald Trump’s psychology should chill Australia’s leaders to the bone — and make them rethink everything.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

BRITISH frozen food supermarket Iceland has tried to trademark its name, but a certain Nordic island nation is not happy.

China is on borrowed time

China is on borrowed time

THE good times might be coming to an end for China. The superpower is facing a whole gauntlet of new threats.

Has Trump’s call hurt Australia?

Has Trump’s call hurt Australia?

DONALD Trump has followed through with one of his election promises, and we’re affected. Just how big a deal is it?

Has Trump given China ultimate power?

Has Trump given China ultimate power?

DONALD Trump has confirmed a key threat he made during his election campaign. And now could be China’s perfect time to take advantage of it.

What Trump will do on his first day

What Trump will do on his first day

DONALD Trump has promised to follow through on a key threat he made during the campaign on his first day in office. It will have a big effect on Australia.

Things are getting crazy in India

Things are getting crazy in India

FROM deploying ‘cash coolies’ to buying Rolex watches, Indians have found unique ways to dodge the government’s surprise cash crackdown.

Can Trump bankrupt America?

Can Trump bankrupt America?

THE President-elect wants to spend big on the military and reduce taxes, but his plans could be a recipe for economic catastrophe.

Trump’s plan to thwart China

Trump’s plan to thwart China

DONALD Trump is planning an ambitious military expansion to thwart China’s influence, and it could easily destabilise Australia’s part of the world.

Turnbull’s budding bromance with Trump

Turnbull’s budding bromance with Trump

MALCOLM Turnbull has made some key indications that his relationship with President-elect Donald Trump is blossoming.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

FRENCH President Francois Hollande has a stern message for United States President-elect Donald Trump.

‘China will take a tit-for-tat approach’

‘China will take a tit-for-tat approach’

CHINESE President Xi Jinping’s first post-election talk with Donald Trump went smoothly. But China’s state media is another story altogether.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

A GROUP of investors in the United States is planning for a doomsday scenario by building a $397 million luxury bunker.

‘Hold on to your mortgages’

‘Hold on to your mortgages’

DONALD Trump’s economic policies have been tried before, and with a triple-whammy heading our way, Australians should be worried.

‘I committed a sin that deserves death’

‘I committed a sin that deserves death’

SHE’S the Rasputin-like shamanist cult leader accused of secretly pulling the strings of South Korea’s president. And it all started with a lost tablet.

The Brexit gamechanger explained

The Brexit gamechanger explained

THE shock decision is likely to delay Britain leaving the EU, and if it goes ahead, it may look totally different to what was expected.

China is not going to be happy about this

China is not going to be happy about this

A NEW proposal accepted by the Australian government could spark tensions with China amid the ongoing South China Sea dispute.

‘Cataclysmic’ shock coming for Australia

‘Cataclysmic’ shock coming for Australia

MILLIONS of jobs and billions of dollars could be wiped from the world’s economy under Donald Trump’s plans for the United States.

What China stands to lose

What China stands to lose

WHILE it may look like we’re on the verge of a war over the South China Sea, China has billions of reasons not to.

Truth about overseas buyers

Truth about overseas buyers

PROPERTY buyers from overseas backgrounds should be treated differently from locals, a new study claims. But the reason is not what you might think.

United Kingdom facing ‘full-blown crisis’

United Kingdom facing ‘full-blown crisis’

THE UK has been warned it faces a “full-blown crisis” unless all of its member nations agree on the government’s approach to Brexit.

Why Aus can’t escape this conflict

Why Aus can’t escape this conflict

MANY Aussies remain concerned about the rise of China, but our country’s purpose in the South China Sea is more important than you might think.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

BRITISH pollies have backed calls to strip billionaire Philip Green of his knighthood over the $2 billion collapse of his BHS department store chain.

‘Clinton will only heighten tensions’

‘Clinton will only heighten tensions’

A LEADING security expert has warned that Hillary Clinton winning the election could have global repercussions — namely for the US and China.

How old are these refugee ‘kids’?

How old are these refugee ‘kids’?

THE UK has rescued 100 migrant “children” from the notorious Calais camp — many sporting moustaches, monobrows and crows feet.

The Punisher’s smackdown to US

The Punisher’s smackdown to US

CONTROVERSIAL President Rodrigo Duterte has already told Barack Obama to “go to hell”. Now he has struck another blow against the US.

Hidden video damaging for Clinton

Hidden video damaging for Clinton

AGENTS for Hillary Clinton paid rioters to incite violence at Donald Trump’s rallies, a hidden-camera investigation has revealed.

‘Scenes from the apocalypse’ in Paris

‘Scenes from the apocalypse’ in Paris

SHOCKING footage has emerged revealing once-beautiful Paris streets covered in filth. People are living rough, sleeping on pieces of cardboard.

Has Monopoly forecast a new GFC?

Has Monopoly forecast a new GFC?

THE global economy is in trouble for one reason and the fallout could be huge. If only we’d remembered what happens in Monopoly.

Hidden video drops an election bombshell

Hidden video drops an election bombshell

AN EXPLOSIVE hidden camera video has exposed a crazy fact about the American election. It could spell big trouble for Donald Trump.

Brits freak out over Brexit surprise

Brits freak out over Brexit surprise

THEY said it would be bad, but no one predicted this. Now the full economic consequences of Brexit have hit shoppers right where it hurts the most — their bellies.

Brits freak out over Marmite shortage

Brits freak out over Marmite shortage

IT’S the disgusting black spread that’s inferior to Vegemite in every way — but a shortage of Marmite is causing a political furore in Britain.

Pet dog ‘dumped by Chinese student’

Pet dog ‘dumped by Chinese student’

FOREIGN students are buying pets they can’t take care of, and cruelly dumping them when their visas run out.

Nuclear move in South China Sea

Nuclear move in South China Sea

CHINA is reportedly developing nuclear reactors which could help Beijing to increase its aggressive efforts in the South China Sea.

‘This really is playing with fire’

‘This really is playing with fire’

CHINA has issued another warning over the South China Sea. This time, they’ve picked a strange target: New Zealand.

Two big Brexit blunders revealed

Two big Brexit blunders revealed

THE man at the heart of the campaign against Brexit has revealed his two biggest mistakes in a brutally honest book.

Truth about China’s rise to power

Truth about China’s rise to power

CHINA has one position on the South China Sea — it’s in charge. And there are four reasons why China will never change its mind.

More Brexit bad news for us

More Brexit bad news for us

AS THE Prime Minister leads Britain begrudgingly out of the EU, more complications with Brexit are revealing themselves.

Alarm bell in China property bubble

Alarm bell in China property bubble

CHINESE cities have announced new restrictions on property purchases as the government tries to cool soaring home prices stoked by property speculators.

‘Australia must send armed forces’

‘Australia must send armed forces’

AS TENSIONS escalate between China and the US, experts warn Australia can no longer avoid getting tangled up in the conflict.

Americans can now sue Saudis over 9/11

Americans can now sue Saudis over 9/11

THE families of almost 3000 people killed in the 9/11 terror attacks have been given the right to sue the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Company ‘dodged North Korea sanctions’

Company ‘dodged North Korea sanctions’

A CHINESE company has been accused of flouting international sanctions against trading with North Korea, as concern over its nuclear program deepens.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

TWITTER is in takeover talks with several tech companies, kicking off a slow-rolling auction of the money-losing social media company.

Is China secretly spying on us?

Is China secretly spying on us?

SECURITY experts claim a Chinese vessel tasked with the MH370 search operation is secretly spying on Australia’s military forces. But is this really feasible?

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

YAHOO Inc says information for at least 500 million user accounts was stolen from its network in what is being described as the biggest cyber breach ever.

Satellite pics you’re not meant to see

Satellite pics you’re not meant to see

GOOGLE Earth images reveal four mysterious new objects on a disputed South China Sea island. The government wants to hide the evidence.

Clinton illness causes Mexico chaos

Clinton illness causes Mexico chaos

ECONOMISTS have long said that when the US catches a cold, Mexico gets pneumonia. But Hillary’s pneumonia has given Mexico something worse.

China’s scathing response to Japan

China’s scathing response to Japan

JAPAN’S recent decision to expand its involvement in the South China Sea dispute hasn’t gone down well with the rising superpower.

Online game explains interest rates

Online game explains interest rates

FED up with the endless talk about interest rates and inflation? Don’t understand how it all works? This online game will explain everything.

Japan shakes up South China Sea

Japan shakes up South China Sea

JAPAN’S latest news is set to incense China in a region that’s already marked by heightened tensions and bitter rows.

China’s lifeline to North Korea

China’s lifeline to North Korea

IT’S known as the friendship bridge and connects two allies. Not only is it a lifeline for Pyongyang, but it also serves a purpose for Beijing.

French execs’ bizarre moped convoy

French execs’ bizarre moped convoy

AROUND 700 French executives and business chiefs zoomed down Paris’ famed Champs Elysees on blue mopeds on Sunday.

Aussie sharemarket closes in the red

Aussie sharemarket closes in the red

FEARS of a US Federal Reserve interest rate hike has driven the Australian share market to its lowest level in two months, with all sectors closing in the red.

The crazy reality of partying in Ibiza

The crazy reality of partying in Ibiza

THERE sure aren’t lockout laws in Ibiza. The party only starts at 2am and keeps going until well after sunrise. Here’s what really goes down.

PM: N Korea nuke test is ‘provocative’

PM: N Korea nuke test is ‘provocative’

PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull has condemned the “reckless, provocative, dangerous action of North Korea” to test a nuclear warhead.

‘Australia is a backwards hellhole’

‘Australia is a backwards hellhole’

IT’S been a big week for Australia in Europe, with a love-in over free trade and a close friendship, but not everyone’s a fan.

Japan wants restraint in sea dispute

Japan wants restraint in sea dispute

JAPAN, China’s long-time enemy, has agreed with Australia that all parties in the South China Sea need to exercise restraint.

Is UK our next FTA partner?

Is UK our next FTA partner?

AUSTRALIAN and UK officials will begin scoping out what a free-trade agreement between the two might look like, following key post-Brexit talks.

Japan’s brutal message to Britain

Japan’s brutal message to Britain

JAPAN has penned a strongly worded note to Britain over its decision to leave the European Union, and it hasn’t held back.

Obama meets Putin in private talks

Obama meets Putin in private talks

US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin are meeting privately at the G20 summit, as tensions brew between Australia and China.

What a million people looks like

What a million people looks like

INCREDIBLE footage has emerged of reportedly more than one million people taking to the streets in a “historic march” to bring down their government.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

CUBA just became a more viable holiday destination, with the launch of the first regular commercial flights between the US its former Cold War foe in over 50 years.

Iceland workers appease elves

Iceland workers appease elves

ROAD construction workers in Iceland have been forced to unearth a magical rock to appease “angry elves” blamed for a series of mishaps.

‘China’s rise no longer peaceful’

‘China’s rise no longer peaceful’

CONCERNED about China’s rise to power? According to this key figure, the superpower’s demand for dominance is anything but friendly.

China’s bold new plan for power

China’s bold new plan for power

CHINA won’t be backing down over the South China Sea dispute any time soon. In fact, its next radical move may be just weeks away.

‘We are living in the Matrix’

‘We are living in the Matrix’

THE financial system has been hijacked by an “unelected communist dictatorship” steering the world towards a Soviet-style collapse.

Donald Trump drags Aussies into debate

Donald Trump drags Aussies into debate

DONALD Trump just gave a major speech on economic policy - and dragged Australia into the US presidential race.

Brexit has officially stuffed the economy

Brexit has officially stuffed the economy

THE UK has joined Australia in slashing interest rates to record low levels in a stimulus package to ward off a post-Brexit recession.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

THE numbers have been crunched on the true cost of Brexit to the British economy, and it’s not pretty.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

BIG changes are coming to the beer industry, with the merger of two of the world’s largest brewing companies about to be signed off.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

THE film studio lot where Harry Potter and James Bond movies were filmed, Pinewood Studios, is set to be sold for $569.97 million.

$500bn crisis looming for Europe

$500bn crisis looming for Europe

EUROPE could be plunged into a new economic crisis this week amid fears over $500 billion worth of bad debts.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

VERIZON has agreed to buy troubled Yahoo Inc for about $6.67 billion, in a deal likely to end the four-year reign of chief executive Marissa Mayer.

Sex workers spill beans on Republicans

Sex workers spill beans on Republicans

THERE’S one group of sex workers who’ve reported a big spike in trade thanks to the Republican National Convention.

Why it’s a terrible time to head overseas

Why it’s a terrible time to head overseas

IF YOU’RE ready to pack your bags right now, it might be a good idea to think very seriously about your timing.

‘I felt like an animal, a refugee’

‘I felt like an animal, a refugee’

TEBIE Gonzalez has given a harrowing account of the “march of shame”, where middle-class Venezuelans liquidated their life savings to stockpile food.

123k people forced into march of shame

123k people forced into march of shame

MORE than 120,000 people lined up to leave their own country on the weekend in a desperate, humiliating hunt for food and medicine.

Brexit just got even tougher

Brexit just got even tougher

BRITAIN has a new Prime Minister, whose biggest job is to implement Brexit. She’s vowing to take the hard road - this is what it might look like.

New PM’s surprising first move

New PM’s surprising first move

THERESA May has only been Britain’s new female Prime Minister for a few hours, but she’s already made a shock move.

$78m worth of tax breaks to dead people

$78m worth of tax breaks to dead people

OOPS. If you thought negative gearing was unfair, check out some of the tax concessions New York provides.

Finance news you need to know today

Finance news you need to know today

THE fallout from Brexit is far from over, with bad news for the United Kingdom in the latest economic forecast.

What ‘Brexecution’ means for Britain

What ‘Brexecution’ means for Britain

THE shocking fall of Boris Johnson has the world watching in disbelief as this horror story continues to deliver earth-shattering twists.

‘I bought a house for $180,000’

‘I bought a house for $180,000’

FORGET London and New York. Aussie expats are flocking to this city for its high salaries, cheap houses and incomparable lifestyle.

Bank of England’s ‘uncomfortable truth’

Bank of England’s ‘uncomfortable truth’

HE’S got £250 billion pounds on standby and will do whatever it takes, but the Bank of England governor has revealed his “limits” in an unorthodox speech.

Why Brexit is actually good for Australia

Why Brexit is actually good for Australia

BRITAIN is still mired in chaos, but believe it or not, the Brexit vote could actually be a good thing for Australians.

Britain dodges EU ‘superstate’ bullet

Britain dodges EU ‘superstate’ bullet

THE EU wants to do away with individual armies, central banks and legal systems to form a giant “superstate”, controversial leaked plans reveal.

Brexit may get even more painful

Brexit may get even more painful

WILL Europe let Britain go quietly, or make an example of it to scare other countries? This could go either way.

‘We're a nation of whingers’

‘We're a nation of whingers’

UK EXPATS in Australia say they’re ashamed to be British after the vote to leave the EU. And they have an important warning for Aussies.

Brexit’s upside for Aussies

Brexit’s upside for Aussies

THERE could be an unexpected bonus for Australians, who may find it much easier to fulfil their UK dreams.