Crackdown on mobile phones in double demerit blitz

We've all been there.

It's Christmas and you're en route to visit family on roads less travelled, not entirely sure when the turnoff is coming or what lane to be in.

Pulling out the digital map in your pocket might solve one problem, but could land you in another altogether at this special time of year - double demerits.

The below footage, shared by NSW Police's Twitter account, shows just how quickly it can all go wrong.

As of 2016, drivers caught using a mobile phone illegally while driving face four demerit points, up from the previous three, and related offences qualify for double demerits, meaning a total of eight.

Fully licensed drivers can avoid trouble by planning ahead and investing in a purpose-built cradle for their mobile device, though P-platers aren't so lucky, with a total ban on usage on the roads.

Any mobile offence by a driver holding a P1 licence means the loss of four points and in turn, the loss of licence.

During the double demerit period that treatment is extended to those on their P2 or "green Ps", exceeding the seven or more needed to have the licence stripped.

Eight points make a serious dent by any standard, but for those who haven't yet racked up three years of driving experience, those eight seconds might just put a sour note on this year's celebration.

Double demerits started on Friday and will remain in place until January 2.

For those that aren't sure on the latest restrictions when it comes to mobile use while driving, Transport for NSW have provided this explanatory video.