
Daniel Andrews to crack down on boozy MPs with random breath tests

Fresh from a backlash over plans to audit his ministers' phones, Premier Daniel Andrews has another contentious proposal for Victorian MPs: random breath testing at State Parliament.

As politicians enjoyed the usual round of Christmas parties this week, Mr Andrews confirmed he would push ahead with a policy to introduce alcohol testing during parliamentary sittings.

The unusual crackdown was first flagged without warning on the eve of the November 2014 Victorian election, with the possibility of sanctions such as the loss of a week's pay or even suspension.

But many MPs assumed the idea had been consigned to history given little has been said about it since – and not one person has been breath tested since the government came to office.

However, when asked if the policy had been shelved, Mr Andrews' spokeswoman told Fairfax Media: "The Andrews Labor government will deliver on each and every one of its commitments."

The government says the proposal for random testing will be referred to Parliament's Standing Orders Committee – a bipartisan group of lower house members, chaired by Speaker Telmo Languiller​.


However, the idea could prove contentious for Mr Andrews, who still faces anger within his own ranks after telling ministers last week he wanted to audit their mobile phones in a bid to stamp out cabinet leaks.

Several ministers have since told Fairfax Media that they planned to defy the order, variously describing the request as bizarre, ridiculous and offensive.

"As if I'd hand over my phone," said one MP. "As a matter of principle, why should I?"

Mr Andrews' office did not respond to questions about whether the phone audit was still likely to go ahead, and if so, when.

And on the issue of random breath testing, his spokeswoman could not say how soon the matter would be referred to the Standing Orders Committee, which will have responsibility for working out how the policy could be implemented and what sort of penalties could apply.

Alcohol is regularly served at parliamentary functions, and during sitting days it is not uncommon for state MPs to enjoy a drink at Parliament's in-house restaurant or one of the pubs or bars around Spring Street.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy said he had no objection to the idea of random alcohol tests during sitting weeks, but questioned how serious Mr Andrews was about delivering the election commitment.

"The Premier has had more than two years to implement this idea," he said. "We agree it should be introduced along with random drug testing, and while Daniel Andrews is at it, he should also introduce random alcohol and drug testing of everyone on government construction sites – which he canned."

However, others – including those within government ranks – were less than impressed by news that the policy would be implemented. "Surely we've got bigger fish to fry," said one Labor MP.