

The One People's Project News Center. All antifa Twitter accounts we follow are legitimate.

Beigetreten September 2015


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  1. 12. Apr.
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    6. Apr.

    NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER: Our Google Voice number is still active, but we urge anyone trying to contact us to use our new number going forward. It's 732-543-0010.

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  3. 29. März

    For those who want an alternative to PayPal to donate, we are now on Stripe as well!

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    28. März

    Richard Spencer, who hasn't been heard from in a while, David Duke, reps from the Klan group that Duke founded, & the head of one of the White supremacist groups that instigated the violence in Charlottesville are among those speaking in Tennessee in June.

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  5. 19. März
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    18. März

    You can now watch the Academy Award short film SKIN on YouTube!

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  7. 12. März
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  8. 12. März
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  9. 11. März
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  10. 9. März
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  11. 5. März
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  12. 5. März
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  13. 5. März
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  14. 4. März
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  15. 1. März
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  16. 25. Feb.
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    I will be on AM Joy on MSNBC Saturday at 10:30 to talk about the Christopher Paul Hasson case.

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  19. 21. Feb.
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  20. 20. Feb.
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