Post-release Statement From Cody Lee Sutherlin (Tinley Park Five)

from NYC Anarchist Black cody_2013Cross

Here is Cody Lee Sutherlin’s post-release statement. Please keep in mind that two of his brothers are still locked up and that there is an active fundraising campaign for Dylan Sutherlin’s post-release. To donate, visit

When it comes to thanks, I don’t know where to begin. Do I mention certain individuals or organizations? Do I start with the cards and letters full of love and support? How about the amount of donations that came in for the book drive back at Robinson’s library? Or, do I lead off with all of the fundraising that kept money in the commissary and continues to pour in for help post-release? I should probably lead off with the lovely lady in my life that has sacrificed and endured so much for me and our relationship the last couple of years. Maybe it should be the amazing legal team that stepped up and have continued to help to this day. I can’t forget my new friend that has opened his home and heart to me in my greatest time of need. I must mention all of the people that used to flood the courtroom in solidarity every time they would walk us in there. With so many wonderful people, faces old and new, doing so many amazing things, it’s impossible for my thanks to have a beginning or an end. The thanks that I have for all of you is so deep and infinite that it can’t be measured or explained. Any act of kindness, no matter how big or small, has meant the world to me, as well as the other four. Thankfully, we’re down to just two, and in a few weeks it’ll just be one. Let’s show my brothers our love, support, and appreciation for them. Thank every last one of you for all you’ve done and continue to do!

With the deepest gratitude and unconditional love,
Cody Lee

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