
Father Bob Maguire calls for compassion and common sense: 'We're all in this together'

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An unexpected deadline means I need to postpone lunch with Father Bob. (Like Plato, he's usually known simply by his first name.) When I phone to explain, he doesn't pull any punches: "I'll probably be dead by then."

Thankfully, when we do meet, Australia's most famous Catholic priest – Father Bob Maguire – is anything but. Over the course of nearly two hours, he barely draws breath, discussing everything from Chinese philosophy to sea salt therapies. Aged 82, he has slowed down a bit physically but mentally he is still in fine form. 

To the parishioners of South Melbourne – and indeed many nationwide – he embodies all that's good about the Catholic Church. Hands on, down-to-earth and approachable, over nearly 40 years he baptised, married and buried thousands, sometimes entire families. Perhaps more significantly, he looked out for the lost souls – the marginalised and disenfranchised, especially homeless kids, through the Open Family and the Father Bob Foundation.

To his 122,000 followers on Twitter, @FatherBob is "the larrikin priest ... patron saint of the unloved and unlovely". He posts himself, although one of his team recently recommended he set up two accounts: one for more concise tweets, another for his "rants". (He promptly tweeted the advice, clearly disagreeing.)

Maguire uses the royal "we" throughout conversation and it seems apt. He holds court, engaging in spirited conversation while at the same time taking in the goings on around us. He lives a few doors down from The Avenue Foodstore in Victoria Avenue, Albert Park, where we meet and sit outside on a glorious summer morning. First things first – what to eat? It's an omelette and coffee for me. "I want a herbal tea and half a muffin," he declares. The Fairfax Media budget does extend to a whole muffin, I tell him. Nope, the photographer can have the other half. OK, what kind of herbal tea? "What do you call that stuff? Camomile – that will brighten up me miserable life!"

His demeanour is far from miserable but theatrics are part of his makeup. Turns out his dad was a performer – a "declaimer of Shakespeare" and a pianist at the pub. He also had a significant drinking problem and would often become violent when drunk, although Maguire says his siblings bore the brunt of that more than him. 


Originally from Glasgow, his parents were poor, moving from one rental to another. They ended up in Armadale, where they had four kids (Eileen, Kathleen, Jim and Bob); his sister Kathleen died from TB when he was 11, his father died three years later. Crediting his mother's piety as a formative and ongoing influence, he became an altar boy when he was eight.

"I'm thinking there's a bit of the feral gene. So you then make decisions instinctively as to how to survive. I would've thought, 'cos we get through that, we don't go to an orphanage, we are feted (F.E.T.E.D, he spells it out) by the local parish priest who must've had a soft spot [for me]."

Ordained at 25 in 1965, he became parish priest of Sts Peter and Paul's Church in South Melbourne in 1973. He set up the outreach organisation for homeless and at-risk kids, now known as Open Family Australia, in 1978. "And I thought it was a nice match, the oldest Catholic suburban church in Melbourne doing, what? Doing the most modern outreach work that you can imagine. With the extreme, the rank outsiders."

The Father Bob Foundation came later and is registered as a secular organisation. "I decided years ago that the Roman Church was all right looking after its own poor but not much chop at looking after the neighbourhood poor, unless they were somehow attached or attracted to the Church. So I started this years ago, looking after street kids. And also church people weren't particularly happy to get mixed up with, what? Erratic people."

With its Bobsquad (volunteers) and Bobmobiles (food vans), the foundation delivers food to those living rough and feeds about 600 people a week. A bobble-headed Bob figurine is also sold as a fundraiser.

Always something of a renegade, Maguire has never been afraid to speak his mind, which has regularly put him at odds with the powers that be. "We're unconventional but not unorthodox," he says. "Institutionally friendly, or no, compliant, but we're unconventional in operations."

The biggest issue facing the church in recent times – perhaps in its entire history – is paedophilia in the church. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse saw dozens and dozens of appalling scenarios revealed, and a culture of cover-up, victim-blaming and abrogation of responsibility of the worst kind. "It's a chain of command from the top down," he says. "All round Australia the bishops have got to make up their mind about what they're going to do to offset the damage done by the sexual abuse of children. I think it's too much for them, poor devils, because they've all become 'let us not say anything much about this because we'll put our foot in it as sure as God'. They could've said we will repent, we will sell the cathedral, we will all go and live on the street and we'll live in the backpackers'."

Recognition of the issue and an apology would've been a first step. Was he aware of any such behaviour in fellow priests? "Oh God no. We were the field officers, we were in the field." 

Could the issue mean the end of the church? "If it fell over, it will start again. The flowers will bloom in the Spring. According to [historian Geoffrey] Blainey, we go off like a bottle of stale milk and then come back again." 

He quotes the Latin: Ecclesia semper reformanda est, the church is always reforming itself. "If they don't, someone will do it for them. Like America and Trump. You left a vacuum and the vacuum begs to be filled. It's like the Philippines with Duterte."

Working on John Safran's Sundays with Safran on Triple J in 2005 gave Maguire a national profile. They then made Speaking in Tongues for SBS Television, which covered religion, ethics and morality. The unlikely match proved to be a meeting of the minds: Safran with his cheeky, more intellectual, slightly subversive approach; Bob with his shouty, more practical, no nonsense manner. 

Since then, it was Father Bob's retirement that brought him firmly back in to the headlines. Officially, Catholic priests must retire when they turn 75; anecdotally, many remain in the position beyond that time. When told it was time to finish up, Maguire was not keen to go anywhere. He asked what would happen if he appealed the decision. "They said: 'Well, it'll take two years.' In the meantime, I said am I still parish priest in South Melbourne? 'Well you are in name but you can't live in the house'. That's smart, that's smart Roman, you know what I mean; they know these things, how to niggle away."

It became a very public battle with supporters far and wide lobbying for him to stay on. In the end he hung up his robes at 77. Many people couldn't understand why the church would want to get rid of someone doing such good work. Surely he was living and working according to the very principles upon which it was founded?

"They're not running the church on the Bible, they're running the church on the teachings of the church," he says. "I thought we were very fashionable because since the '60s, when I was commissioned, [since] Vatican II when they said the church should get out of its safe zone of church buildings and prioritise the poor and the young ... that was my downfall because in fact we took it seriously." 

He regularly veers off topic, responding to a woman who tells him she got $10 from his office, then hits him up for another $10 ("No! I can't afford it!" Once she heads off, he laughs heartily: "She's good she is, almost professional!"). Then there's a driver tearing through the roundabout behind us narrowly missing a small child, an apparently ownerless dog wreaking havoc in the traffic, a couple nearby who want to show off their tiny grandchild.

Home these days is a few doors away from where we're sitting in leafy Albert Park. "Just up past Jock's Ice-Cream." Does he ever eat a Jock's ice-cream? "Nope – too fat. I've always had a tendency to be fat." It gets quiet around us at one point and he quips: "the rich are in their counting houses."

Since retirement, he still conducts weddings and baptisms, these days by special arrangement with the church. So what does he think of the new Pope? Appointed in 2013, Pope Francis speaks about humility, God's mercy, looking after the poor. Maguire reckons he has his work cut out for him. "That's all palatable stuff, but you see, when you get beyond that, when you get to the bloody book of rules, you get caught short – like all clerics do – on no marriage outside the church, on women priests." 

He does wonder how things might have panned out back in 2012 under a different leader. "I wouldn't have been thrown out. Probably not. Bad luck – we got caught short." 

Always the philosopher, Maguire has a vision for a new movement: the parish without borders. It's an online, interdenominational group for those that don't feel at home with the more formal church. "I'm saying this is inter-spiritual. It has the broader values of all the religions, which boil down to two, make a note: the two pillars of wisdom are common sense and compassion."

Warming to the theme, he puts on a movie-style voice like God speaking from the heavens: "On these two pillars of wisdom, you can build the entire spiritual cosmos."

"Go back to Confucius, see I think you've got to go back to China – it's no good saying everything came out of Europe or the Middle East – you're gonna find common sense and compassion, which ruled the Chinese for so bloody long.

"Compassion that says we're all in this together. As [Archbishop Desmond] Tutu says, or somebody says, 'Either we all look after each other or we all go mad together'. Or we're all destroyed together. I believe in all that, now I'm old."

So does he still argue as he once did that we are a giving society? Sadly, no. We've become much tougher in the last few years. Maguire sees Australians as essentialists, lovers of DIY and BYO, so he argues to keep it simple, especially at this time of year.

"The clerics will bugger it up by saying it's the celebration of god. I'm saying: darling, go the other way for heaven's sake and say it's a celebration of humanity. You can stick with your god thing if you want to and say 'God becomes us'. But I won't emphasise that line ... You celebrate the common humanity, which we all share, whether we're Syrians or whether we're Australians ... Christmas is the celebration of humanity."

The bill, please

The Avenue Foodstore

​69 Victoria Avenue, Albert Park; 9690 4539

Open 7 days a week, 6.30am to 6.30pm (excluding Christmas Day and New Year's Day)