Tag: punk

  • Fighting Talk: British Antifa doc narrated by Mensi from Angelic Upstarts (via Magic Muscle Media)

    Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Don’t miss 3:30 in Part 2 or 0:40 in Part 4 … Read More via Magic Muscle Media

  • July 1st – Punk Night! 43 (Super-Villain Team Up)

    Time Tomorrow at 10:00pm?–?Saturday at 4:00am Location Boulevard Tavern 579 Meeker Ave. btwn Henry & Monitor under BQE Brooklyn, NY Created By Deejay Hagler More Info Free-No Cover! dj Marvelous Hagler spins Anarchpunk, Anti-fascist Oi, American hardcore punk, NYHC, thrash and more- from the original vinyl! Special guest DJ Agent Jay of Crazy Baldhead Sound…


    In recent years we have been witnesses to new trends amongst neo-Nazis. Still more and more of them leave the skinhead image, and try to “catch onto” something else. One of the targets for them is the hardcore scene. They find the aggressive music and uncompromising lyrics impressive. The leading figures of Czech neo-Nazi scene…

  • Nov 27th – Sin Orden / Huasipungo / Atruth / Desekilibrio

    ABC NO RIO HARDCORE PUNK MATINEE Presents SIN ORDEN (razacore from Chicago)?–?http://www.myspace.com/sinorden HUASIPUNGO (political HC from NYC)?–?http://www.myspace.com/huasipungo ATRUTH (anarcho-punk from NYC?–?http://www.myspace.com/theatruth DESEKILIBRIO (Latino punk from NJ) –?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AnklyIrheM SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27TH 2010 RSPV:?http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=173884469295603 ABC NO RIO 156 Rivington St. New York City, New York 10002 $7 /// 3PM /// All Ages http://www.myspace.com/abcnoriopunk http://www.abcnorio.org/ http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=149887887231 NO BOOZE!…


    ABC NO RIO HARDCORE PUNK MATINEE SUPPORTING THE RUSSIAN ANTIFAS! “NO MORE REPRESSION AGAINST ANTIFASCISTS” – Learn about and support anti-fascists and anarchists under attack in Russia. [** SEE ALSO: SOLIDARITY ACTION IN NYC to STOP REPRESSION AGAINST RUSSIAN ANTIFASCISTS: Fri 9/17 @ 2:30pm @ Russian consulate — details at?http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=159638090715483&ref=mf **] Saturday September 18, 2010…