Tag Archives: protest

Ride for Freedom: an Anti-deportation Internationalist motorcade

[English] A caravan of NYC activists –in solidarity with immigration resistance– rode in “Ride for Freedom: an Anti-deportation Internationalist motorcade”, to arrive to the Immigration and Costumes Enforcement Detention Facility at 182-22 150Avenue, Queens, NY for a noise demonstration. The … Continue reading

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NYC: Sunday June 14th 2013, Union Square 6PM /// #HoodiesUP For Trayvon Martin

It has been decided: black life isn’t worth shit. Come together in force across the country tomorrow at 6pm. Let’s not ask for justice The legal system will not save us The clergy won’t save us The politicians damn sure … Continue reading

Posted in Call To Action, Chicago, Events, New York City, Philadelphia, United States | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Atlanta, GA: Reportback on Antifascist Actions 04/19 & 04/20

From http://atlanta.indymedia.org/local/reportback-anti-fascist-actions-atlan… On April 20th, about 200 people gathered to protest an anti-immigration rally being held by the neo-nazi group, National Socialist Movement and the Klu Klux Klan. The night before an anonymous communique was posted from some Atlanta Antifascists … Continue reading

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03/24/2013 – 3PM /// March for Justice for Kimani Gray!

March for: Justice for Kimani Gray! Jail the Killer Cops! Drop the Charges Against All the Arrested Protestors! Sunday, March 24, Church Ave at E. 55 3 pm rally & march to 67th Precinct Event page: facebook.com/events/227164960762890/ 16 year old … Continue reading

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01/18/2013 –> Queer Bloc – Counter Protest The Westboro Baptist Church

January 18, 2013 /// 3:30PM Bryant Park, NYC Fb event: https://www.facebook.com/events/316973291752228 This is a call to all queers, ‘fag-enablers’, tranarchists, anarchists and allies. The Westboro Baptist Church plans to have a picket in Times Square on January 18th between 4:30-5:30pm. … Continue reading

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NYC, October 22nd /// National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality

From: October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality – New York Step out for the 17th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation October 22nd WEAR BLACK, FIGHT BACK! NO MORE STOLEN LIVES! … Continue reading

Posted in Call To Action, Events, New York City | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Over 200 in the streets for NYC NYE Noise Demo

via NYC Anarchist Black Cross     When some of NYC ABC arrived early to prepare for the New Year’s Eve noise demo, there were already folks there. By 9:00pm, our numbers had grown and we had enough potential noise to reach the prisoners … Continue reading

Posted in Events, New York City | Tagged , , , , , , ,

‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests gaining pace in US

Demonstrations have been held in various US cities as momentum grows in the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement. Among the other towns taking part on Wednesday were Los Angeles and Boston, where some university students walked out of lectures in solidarity. … Continue reading

Posted in Events, New York City, United States, Video | Tagged , , ,

Lyon Antifa! – Abril 4th 2011


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