Nazi Richard Spencer smacked down by the IRS this time

Richard Spencer, right, is punched by anti-fascist protester on the day of Trump’s inauguration.

Patrick J. Foote

The Los Angeles Times has revealed that The National Policy Institute, a white supremacist hate group run by neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, has lost its 501(c)(3) tax status retroactively to May 2016. The investigation found that the correct paperwork had not been filed for 3 years. Continue reading

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Justice for India Cummings protesters shut down Main Street in Rochester, NY


By Gene Clancy

Rochester, N.Y. – Protesters took over downtown streets during rush hour here to protest the death of India Cummings, who died in police custody in Buffalo, N.Y., in February. Continue reading

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Recognizing White Supremacist Symbols in the US



LAURENS, SC – DECEMBER 5: An American Nazi Party member gathers during a white-supremacist event outside the Redneck Shop December 5, 2009 in Laurens, South Carolina. The American Nazi Party & International Knights of the Ku Klux Klan held their 7th annual White Unity Christmas Party which was publicized as a family event. (Photo by Richard Ellis/Getty Images)

White Supremacist Symbols and Far-Right Propaganda at Georgia State University and in North Georgia

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The storyRacist, Far-Right Propaganda and Threats Against Leftists at Georgia State University: What Does It Mean, Who Is Responsible? was recently published by an anti-fascist group in Atlanta in the wake of white supremacist symbols appearing around Georgia State University in Downtown Atlanta, Georgia.


With this in mind, and with debates about race now a common theme in national and regional political discussions, mnis members consider it important that the general public know what symbols are commonly used by white supremacist hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, National Socialist Movement, Aryan National, American Renaissance, and others. This is an attempt to cover some of the more well-known symbols and habits of white supremacist hate groups, although these symbols and behaviors are constantly changing and adapting to pressure from anti-fascist/anti-racist groups and the general public.

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