1. China opposes call for nuclear weapons boost by Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

China opposes call for nuclear weapons boost by Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

China on Friday opposed the call for a nuclear weapons boost by Russia and the US.

By: | Beijing | Updated: December 23, 2016 7:38 PM
China, nuclear weapons, Russia, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying, nuclear capability, defence China on Friday opposed the call for a nuclear weapons boost by Russia and the US. (Reuters)

China on Friday opposed the call for a nuclear weapons boost by Russia and the US. On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President-elect Donald Trump had called for enhancing nuclear weapons capabilities, Efe news reported.”China stands for and advocates the full prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a press conference.

“The country with the largest nuclear arsenal should take special and prior responsibility for nuclear disarmament, take the lead in dramatically decreasing its nuclear arsenals so as to create conditions for full and thorough nuclear disarmament,” he added.

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On Thursday, Trump had tweeted that the US “must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes”. In a meeting with defence officials the same day, Putin also made a call to strengthen Russia’s nuclear potential.

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