Black Rose Anarchist Federation
Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra

We are an organization of active revolutionaries who share common visions of a new world – a world where people collectively control their own workplaces, communities and land and where all basic needs are met. We are Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) and believe in the need to build a specific political organization united around a common set of ideas, strategy, and practice that should speak to the needs of our time, and act as a catalyst in struggles to expand their revolutionary potential.

We invite you to check out below our work and ideas, as well read our political documents.

Latest News:

Interview: Breaking the Waves, Creating An Offensive

To my compañerxs on the Left – A Reaction to the Death of Fidel


End the male-state violence!: Statement from Anarchist Women on sexual abuse law

Noviembre Rojo, Noviembre Negro – Una Respuesta Anarquista a las Elecciones

Richard Turner and the Criminalization of Racialized Poverty