Brooklyn Commons Boycott – No Collaboration with the Far Right


safe-space-copyThe Brooklyn Commons is a “progressive” space in downtown Brooklyn, whose sole owner—heiress Melissa Ennen—has changed their mission statement to allow Far Right groups to use the space. This new policy follows a speaking engagement in September 2016 by Christopher Bollyn, an anti-semite with a long history in neo-Nazi circles.

NYC Antifa has always supported the use of boycotts to make it clear that spaces which host racist, fascist, and bigoted speakers will not be tolerated in our city. Therefore, we have signed the Common Decency call to boycott the Brooklyn Commons café and speaking area. The boycott will be active until Ennen changes the space’s policy to prevent Far Right speakers and activists from using it. (However, this is not a boycott of the projects that rent space from the Brooklyn Commons.)

There is no community control or accountability at the misnamed Brooklyn Commons. Ennen privately controls one of the most scarce resources in NYC—which she has access to because of her family’s wealth—and is using it to provide direct support for the Far Right. NYC Antifa opposes all “progressive,” radical, and countercultural projects that collaborate with the Far Right, including allowing them to use space, and we oppose normalizing this behavior.

The complete boycott call and full list of signatures is available at the Common Decency website. We ask other groups to also sign on to the boycott call.

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